Chapter 7

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So, this story was called "Counting The Stars" and I felt like the title didn't go well with the story so now I changed it to "Rich Boy and Me".

I hope you guys like it. :)


I buried myself in two blankets. A pillow supported my back as I sat against the wall with my laptop perched on my lap. My eyes were fixed on Facebook and I was looking through all my notifications.

Dinner was great and my mom really came through with accepting Reece. We all had fun and for once, I felt like I had a whole family. 

Growing up with only one parent isn’t what most people experience and the fact that my sister was seven years older than me really bothered me. My sister sure had many memories of my father but I had no idea. We were also very poor and we struggled a lot.

But then, stars can’t shine without darkness, right?

I smiled to myself, going through funny text messages and crazy but relatable memes.

Zach Delgado is online.

I grinned instantly. I had a feeling that he would message me so I waited patiently.

However, not a word was said.

I frowned in disappointment.

After a few more minutes, I decided to message him myself.

Alex Stewart

Hey Zach! What’s up?

A few long minutes later, he replied.

Zach Delgado

Hey, you want to come over tomorrow?

I thought about it for a while. Tomorrow, I had my shift and it was also a Tuesday night.

Alex Stewart

Hey listen I’m not sure.. I mean it’s a Tuesday night and I have my shift at the café and everything.

Zach Delgado

Ohh… okay I guess. Lily really wants you to come though. She misses you a lot.

I raised my eyebrows. The last time I went there, I found Lily to be more close to Carly than me, although she did like me.

Alex Stewart

She does? If so, then I’ll see I guess. I need to talk to Rich about it.

Zach Delgado

Great! J

Tell me at school tomorrow xxxx

Four kisses.

Instantly, I blushed a little but smiled and replied anyway.

Alex Stewart

Okay sure ..

You seem to be in a rush

Zach Delgado

Yeah.. I’m uh dealing with someone

Alex Stewart

Who? Are you okay?

Rich Boy and MeWhere stories live. Discover now