Chapter 15

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By the way, the picture with this chapter is how I imagine Chill Cafe to look like. :)

Aaand... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAHANA! I'm just so glad that you're my best friend and okay to be completely honest, I haven't put together the present I planned for you yet because it was SUCH a BIG thing that I kinda didn't have time to finish...

This chapter is dedicated to you as a semi birthday present from me... All I can say is that twists are kind of starting appear now and the story gets a bit more.... dramatic? real? Well, sis, find it out for yourself.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!


"This is crazy." Cody said as he stared down at the lunch provided by our humble school.

Even dog food is better than what they give here.

I slowly picked up what looked like rotten spaghetti. "Ew..."

Bethany dropped her plate on the table, causing spaghetti juice to spray on Cody.

"Yuck, Bethers."

I laughed at them and shook my head as Zach plopped down next to Cody.

"I hate history." He said as he grabbed Cody's untouched fork and took a bite out of my rotten spaghetti. I smirked at him evilly as he raised his eyebrows in confusion before eating.

Then his face contorted to disgust and we all burst out laughing. He grabbed my water bottle and took a huge gulp before popping a random strip of gum into his mouth.

"Worst day ever." He commented.

"That's what you get for trying to steal my lunch, you butthead."

He rolled his eyes at me. "If I were you, I'd sell my school lunch to thieves for free."

I chuckled a bit before taking my purse and standing up. "I'm going to get some choco-chip cookies, guys. If you want one, hand me your dollar."

Zach winked at me. "Don't worry, kitten munchkin teddy-bear cutie-pie little pigg-"

"What do you want, Zach?" I asked him, trying to hide the smile forming on my face. He doesn't sweet talk without a cost.

Cody barked a laugh. "He probably doesn't have money."

"Hey! I do have a money okay? I'm a manly man and manly men have money with them all the damn time." He said too convincingly and if what I knew about Zach was right, he was totally lying.

"You're broke, aren't you?" I asked him, now not bothering to hide my smile.

He shrugged and frowned so cutely I decided I'd take the extra mile and pay a dollar for his cookies too.

"What the hell, man, you're the mayor's son and you're broke." Cody said, freely putting his arm around Bethany who was obsessively typing on her phone.

Zach gave a bitter laugh. "I'd rather be independent than use my daddy's damn money."

I frowned at him. "Is everything okay with you guys?"

He looked at me and just then I know exactly that he didn't want to discuss it publicly.

"Yup, sure is." He said before standing up and pushing me towards the vending machine. "Go get me some food now, you nosy cute four-year old."

I smacked his shoulder. "I'm not a four year old and I'm not nosy!"

He winked at me before sitting back down. "But you're cute."

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