Chapter 12

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Okay this is a big deal because I was suffering so badly from writer's block. Blocked my mind was. I had no idea of what to write. Nothing. Nada.

BUT I got over it and that's what is important.

Hope you enjoy reading this :)


I felt a nudge to my side and turned to look at Carly, snapping out of my day dreams. She had a very annoyed look on her face.

"Wake up, Alex! We have to do our shift, go shopping with your sister AND go check out the place to film our ad with Bethers, all today itself. So if you don't wake up, I'm pouring an espresso on your head!"

I blinked a few times before realizing that I was in fact standing near the cashier with a confused customer standing in front me.


"Good morning! How may I help you today?"

"An espresso, sunshine?"

The name straight away led my thoughts to Zach, his intense green eyes and his always I-just-walked-out-of-bed hair that I wanted to fix. The way he called me 'sunshine' last night when I was throwing the pen at him. Hah, wonderful memories. The mere thought of spending more time with him made me feel awake, even just for a second before I started falling back into dream land.


Carly passed me the drink before I could even tell her the order while eyeing me up and down carefully. To say that I looked exhausted would be a joke, because I looked worse. I was practically and walking zombie and my mood didn't help the look. I was ready to eat anyone's brains if they got on my nerves and the fact that I'd have to see Zach AND Cody together today for the ad just scares me.

Sometimes, I'm such an animal.

No wait. I'm just joking.

The customer thanked me and turned to Rich, paying the bills. My eyes fluttered close for a few seconds again, just before the door of the café burst open suddenly.

My eyes flew open and my jaw dropped when I saw Zach standing at the door, looking ready to eat someone's brains too. His eyes, I noticed, immediately softened once he spotted the three of us. He shot me a look before grudgingly settling down in the corner.

Rich shut my moth with his hand. "There, there, Alex. Now don't go talking about how hot he looks when he's mad."

I smirked at him. "Wow, Rich, you're disappointing Carly. I didn't know you rolled that way."

Rich wrinkled his nose in an ugly pose before shaking his head, making Carly and I laugh.

"But seriously though, Alex, I think he might need someone to give him a hug."

I shrugged awkwardly. It wasn't like we hugged all the time.

The scene eventually got more intense as the door opened again and Barbara walked in with Lily, looking exhausted.

Why was everyone exhausted today?

"Hey!" I waved to her as she came to Carly and I.

"Hello, girls, I haven't seen you in a long time."

We smiled at her. Lily immediately ran to Carly and hugged her legs. She picked Lily up and balanced her on the hip while passing me a pumpkin spice latte at the same time. I smiled at Barbara as I handed her the drink.

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