Chapter 5

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Second Update in one day.

Hello, hi. How are you today? :)

Here is the fifth chapter!


It was Monday. And we all know what that means.

Can I get an Amen?

I mean, I can’t even wake up on time on a Saturday. Monday’s are the worst for me.

If someone asks me what I hate, I’d probably hesitate on my answers. I might hate this witch at my school but sometimes I feel bad for her. I might hate my mom sometimes but all in all I love her. I might hate my job sometimes but it gets me money, so I love it. I might hate dark chocolate but it’s my bestie during the time of the month, so I love it.

But, I hate Mondays. More that you’ll ever understand.

Oh, also, I hate Zach.

All night long, I was thinking about how I spent time with him yesterday and how he had eased me into accepting his request on Facebook.

However, I’m glad I accepted his request.

Barbara had mentioned something about that cheesy cute idiot joining my school. So, that is part of the list why I didn’t want to go to school that day. The last thing I wanted was for him to join the popular flock of chickens and bully me.

I call them chickens because, they are chickens. Too chicken too solve their own problems and too chicken to “ruin their status” by talking to a so called nerd for a very important project.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, the door barged open and I saw Stevie and Reece standing there in their morning glory.

Well, at least Stevie was. Reece looked particularly pissed off.

“Uh, hey?” I raised my eyebrows at them. Reece yawned.

“Hey to yourself.”

“What’s up?”

“It’s a Monday! I feel like everyone has to wake up early on Mondays and start their new week all fine and dandy.” Stevie told me enthusiastically and Reece rolled his eyes a little.

“And so?” I asked her while pushing the duvet off me and throwing on a blazer.

“And so, I made a really nice breakfast for you,” she paused and turned to Reece, “and our family.”

A smile crept on his face as he kissed her forehead. I smiled at them, aw-ing inside my head.

“Alright, babe, Alex will get ready okay? Why don’t go make sure your breakfast is perfect?” He suggested for her as I walked around my room, opening all the curtains.

Stevie gasped. “Of course!” She exclaimed and ran down the stairs.

I turned to Reece with a raised eyebrow. He sighed shaking his head, “Pregnancy mood swings.”

“HA! Good luck for dealing with a pregnant Stevie.”

He frowned at me. “I need help handling her when she has the time of the month and now I have to handle her alone when she is pregnant?”

I shot him a warm smile. “I know you love her Reece, and I know you can do this okay? If you have any trouble, just come ask you baby sister, yeah?”

He grinned at me and gave me a side hug. “Of course, baby sis.”

I smiled as I heard Stevie call Reece’s name. I winked at him as he left, “Have fun.”

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