You will learn

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Imagine helps you learn magic.
(second person point of view)

You got stuck in Prison world about 6 months ago and finally, two weeks earlier you got out, but not alone. You met Kai there, you two at first hated each other but after months passed by you two became friends and eventually he asked you to be his girlfriend and you agreed to it.

When you got in Prison world, Kai asked you if you are witch, vampire, werewolf or something else but you said that you are not. You thought that you were human and then, a few days before you two got out you did your first spell, you lit the candle.

Of course you wanted to know more so Kai was willing to help you since most of your friend are vampires and Bonnie is pretty busy.

Kai would come over to Salvatore boarding house, where you lived, and he would spend some time with you and try to teach you some spells.

"I can't do this Kai, I suck.", you said and closed the book in front of you but Kai opened it again.

"Hey, hey, hey, y/n. Don't say that. You are smart, and you are new to all of this, it's normal that you can't do things at first try but you will learn, I promise.", he said holding your hand and you smiled.

"Thank you. Can we try again to lit the candle?", you asked and Kai nod.

"Just, close your eyes and focus on the words you are saying. Believe that you can and imagine candle being lit up when you open your eyes.", Kai said and you nod and close your eyes.

You tried again, and again but it didn't work.
"That's it, I suck at this.", you said now really wanting to give up but Kai didn't want you to because he believed in you.

He came behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"I will do the spell now, focus on my voice and try later to do what I will, okay?", he said and you nod.

"Phesmatos, incendia.", Kai half whispered and the candle lit up. He placed a peck on your cheek and stand in front of you.

"Now just, relax, focus and be confident in what you are doing, I believe in you.", he said and that cheered you up.

You took deep breath and did what Kai said. When you were confident enough you said: "Phesmatos, incendia.", and when you opened your eyes candle was lit up. You looked at Kai, he was smiling and so were you.

"I- I did it!", you said and walked over to Kai to hug him.

"I told you you can do it!", he said and then kissed you.

"Thank you for helping me! I love you!", you said and then you dropped smile from your face. You realized what you just said and you just hoped that he will say it back.

"I'm sorry I-", you started but Kai cut you off.

"I love you too y/n.", he said and you smiled.

You took his hand and drag him downstairs where Stefan was.

"Stefan! I did it! I did my spell right and Kai helped me!", you said like little kid and Stefan gave you a big hug.

"I'm so proud of you, y/n!", he said and then Damon came in.

"Congrats kiddo.", he said and you rolled your eyes.

"At least he'a been useful.", Damon said looking at Kai and you roll your eyes and get back upstairs to practice you magic again with your amazing boyfriend.

Imagines | Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now