chapter 16 (do you have a twin?)

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Brad smiles as he opens his door and Selena stands there with a suitcase. her lilac locks stand out against her body.

"you look beautiful" he says smiling at her

"thanks" she says blushing and smiling "i just dyed my hair last night"

he smiles and nods. he invits her in and she feels shy looking at the 3 other boys infront of her. James stutters

"S-Sarah?" James asks

Connor elbows him and they all still look at her. she smiles hesitantly

"sorry my name's Selena not Sarah. but that's a beautiful name" Selena says smiling tenderly "you must be Brad's bandmates correct?"

the all nod and them Marissa looks at her.

"do you have a twin?" Marissa asks straight up "and is her name Sarah?"

Selena shakes her head.

"sorry i've only got an older brother." Selena state

Marissa nods her head and shrugs

"come on boys stop drooling and lets go outside!" Marissa says "Selena you help brad pack the rest of the way"

Selena nods as they all leave except Brad. Selena smiles at Brad and walks to his room with him. she sits down on the bed as he starts acking and she folds a few of his shirts for him so he'll have more room. he notices a tiny scar on her belly. she notices him looking and pulls her shirt down slightly so he can't see it.

"where did you get that?" he asks trying to act calm

"i don't know" she admits "i hit my head about a year ago and my big brother never explained it to me. i guess i just had gotten stabbed or something."

he gently sits beside her and nods

"i'm sorry if my friends seem awkward around you it's just you're exactly like my ex girlfriend. like everything about you." he states gently

she nods

"it's ok. everybody treats me weird." she says smiling gently "don't worry Brad. i don't mind the questions."

he nods gently and she smiles at him. he notices scars on her wrists. everything about her is like Sarah. he gently reaches over and kisses her wrists gently. she feels shy as he kisses up her arm till his eyes lock with hers. she lets her instincts take over and gently kisses him. he kisses back and gently slides her onto his lap holding her waist. she nibbles his bottom lip and he opens his mouth enough for her tongue to slip in. he moans and gets harder as he sucks on the tip of her tongue making her moan. they gently pull away and both their breaths are heavy.  he keeps his arms around her waist and clears his throat

"i-i'm sorry" he says gently sliding her off of him "you're a great girl and i'm into you it's just... i-i'm still trying to figure out if i'm over my ex girlfriend. i'm so sorry"

she rubs his knee tenderly

"it's ok" she says soothingly "it's ok. i'm not mad. i'm ok."

he nods softly and she kisses his forehead. they get the clothes into his suitcase and then they walk downstairs to the others. they get their suitcases into the inivan and they get in. Brad drives and Selena watches him drive a bit. it feels strangly familiar for her. they get to the cabin and she smiles as she gets out and takes her bags inside like the others do. as she unpacks she smiles to herself. she hears somebody walk in and she turns and sees Brad.

"hi we're all going out for a bit and i'm going swimming want to come? i hate swimming alone" he says pouting

she laughs and nods grabbing her bikini. she shuts the door and quickly changes into her bikini. she walks downstairss and smiles at the four boys as they all drool a bit. Marissa laughs a bit at Connor and kisses his neck snapping him out of it. Brad stands there in his swimming trunks

"you look great" he states smiling

she blushes

"thanks" she says softly

she takes his hand and drags him outside. she laughs and smiles running to the water and diving in. he does as well and surfaces fast smiling at her as she surfaces. she swims backwards and smiles as he swims over. she dives underwater and pps up closer to him. he smiles at her. he moves a bit of hair out of her eyes and smiles. she giggles she doesn't realize how close their bodies are until she feels his hard on against her. she blushes and they're about to kiss when James dives in splashing them both. Brad backs away from her a bit and she swims away as well a bit. James surfaces and smiles

"hi!" he says smiling

she smiles at him and Brad moves his curly hair out of his eyes.

"hey mate" Brad says "what's going on i thought you didn't want to swim"

"i changed my mind. it's boring in the house" James says smiling "what are you both up to?"

"well me and Selena just agreed on going for a walk for a bit since we're cooled down and i'm bored" Brad lies

she nods and smiles agreeing with him as she gets out of the water and she dries off with a towel a bit. James stays in the water as they both leave and Brad takes her into the woods. as they walk by the shoreline she smiles. his arm wraps around her waist.

"Selena i want us to be together but i am just struggling. you're so much like her and i miss her alot" he says gently "till then d-do you think we could possibly just see how it'd be together?"

"sounds great" she says smiling a bit

she nods and they continue to walk together. she wants to be his. she wants him. he feels safe and familiar. they go back to the house and they dry off. she gets into the shower and starts taking a shower. she had left the door open by habit since her ex would walk in and they'd shower together. she's a bit caught off guard as she feels a hard on on her ass. she presses into Brad more and he moans and sucks on her shoulder. one of his hands around her waist while the other grips her bum. she turns in his arms and he kisses her. he leans her against the wall and sucks on her neck where nobody will see the love mark. she moans and tips her head allowing him more leverage. he slides into her and she moans loud. he thrusts and she grips his back leaving a few very tiny scratch marks.  he thrusts deeper and she moans louder.

"fuck Brad i'm close" she says

he smirks a tiny bit and thrusts just right hitting her gspot perfectly. she screams a tiny bit from pleasure covering her mouth so the boys won't hear. she cums and he slides out and kisses her neck

"can you please suck me off babe?" he asks her with a raspy voice

she nods and kisses his neck sliding down and sliding him into her mouth. she sucks and pumps him making him cum fast and hard. she swallows and smiles as she slides up and he pecks her lips. she smiles and he grabs the shampoo. he gently washes her hair loving her lilac colored hair. he feels safe with her. he feels loved.

he feels in love.

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