Chapter 3 (two weeks)

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Bradley sighs as he continues to ppractice panio while Sarah watches intently. he is leaving in two days. this is the last time he's going to see Sarah for a long time. which makes both of them miserable. as he finishes the song she requested she claps her hands

"bravo!!!" she praises him

he laughs and stands up walking over to her. his hands rest on her waist and she hugs him

"i'm going to miss you" she says

"i'm going to miss you too Ms. Winter" Bradley whispers to her

they pull apart and go upstairs. she sees her mum waiting in the living room and Bradley kisses her cheek

"thanks for all the help both of you" he tells her mum and herself.

he hands her mum some money.

"thank you Mr Simpson" she says smiling

she takes Sarah away and Bradley looks down at the thing he still has in his hand. it's his lucky guitar pick. Sarah picked it up and he watched her use it. it feels all the more special. he sighs and calls James over. when he gets there they both sit on the couch

"are you ok Bradley you seem crushed" James says

"more like crushing..." Bradley mumbles

James quickly looks at him and smiles

"who's the lucky girl?!?!?!?!" James asks getting all excited

"Sarah Winter" Bradley mumbles again

the smile fades from James's mouth

"dude she's 15 almost sixteen!" James says

"i know it's just... uggg" Bradley says getting stressed "James what the fuck am i supposed to do???"

"well to start with no more panio lessons for you!!!" James states "in all seriousness though why do you think you're 'crushing' on her?"

"because. anymore i notice the little things she does like how her hair falls just above her breasts. and how her brown eyes always lock onto mine. and the way she plays panio. i really love how she slides her fingers across all the pieces before playing because she wants to get a feel for the keys. and she hums along to songs and her voice is so soft. so sweet. god and her laugh" Bradley says in awe

"dude" James says "you are fanboying!"

Bradley whines and hides his face in a pillow

"what the fuck am i going to do James? Bradley asks for support

"dude first off she isn't even legal. i mean you are almost 19 and she's almost 16." James says "but if she means that much to you i'd say see if her mum would be cool with it if Sarah came with us on tour. her mum could come with"

"what about the fans?" Brad asks "what if they hurt Sarah?"

"that's why we get them to stay with us" James says "we have body guards dude. and also if anybody hurt her i think all 4 of us would kill that person! we may not know Sarah much at all but we can tell you like her"

Bradley nods and smiles wide

"then i'll invite her and her mum on tour with us!" Bradley says "it's only 3 months of shows! how bad can it be?"

Bradley man hugs James and then stands up and runs to get his car keys. James laughs to himself

"now that's love!" he says laughing

he cuddles up to the couch and turns on the football game. Brad runs to his car and gets in the drivers seat. as he drives carefully his mind races from thought to thought about Sarah. how her eyes shine when she's excited. how she always seems so bright and innocent. and how her pefect lips hum the songs that he ad the lads write. shit he has a boner now!!!! he whines and pulls up to her small house. he gets out regretting that he just thought of her lips and knocks on the door. her mum answers

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