chapter 14 (moving on)

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Sarah smiles as she gets home to the same appartment Marissa was living at. she rests Nina in her crib and walks to the kitchen. she left the night her and Brad had the fight. she didn't want to deal with him anymore. ever since she left she's been happy in a way. she isn't struggling with money. she got a job at a school helping teachers grade papers. she was lucky that Marissa got her the job. Marissa is staying with the boys still so it's just Sarah and Nina. she has a baby sitter for Nina while she's at work.

Sarah smiles as she watches the news. it reaches the hollywood minute and her heart races seeing the vamps on her screen.

"in other news band member Brad Simpson was driven to the hospital for what rumor has it was because he self harmed. none of the vamps would comment on his condition or the reason he self harmed." the reporter says

Sarah doesn't even think as she diall's Marissa's number. Marissa answers souding miserable

"what's wrong?" Sarah asks her

"Brad" she says "sarah he hurt himself bad. he cut his vanes open and he burned his arms and he stabbed his own arm"

Sarah's heart races as she tries to think straight. she can't go. not again. she can't keep going back.

"Marissa please just protect him for me" Sarah begs her "and can you please tell James or Connor or somebody i need you all to take care of Nina for me?"

"sure but what's going on?" Marissa asks her getting worried

"goodbye" is all Sarah says

Sarah hangs up and calls the sitter. the sitter comes and stays with Nina as Sarah walks out the door. she drives to a tall office building. as she goes to the roof she looks out at the city around her. she can see the entire city from that spot. she reads a text from Brad.

'Princess don't do it. i know you're up high but please. i love you. i can't loose you. think about your family and friends'

she lets tears fall as she calls him and he answers.

"Brad i need to jump" Sarah states

"no you don't baby girl" Brad says trying to sound calm "think about this please princess"

she shakes her head stepping on the edge

" Brad take good care of Nina for me" Sarah states "i'll always love you Brad. you were my first love and your my last love"

she throws her phone far through the streets hearing it hit a garbage bin. she leans forward letting her body fall. it feels like forever as she falls then she feels her bones breaking hearing a loud snap. she doesn't move as she starts bleeding. she fell on a car windshield. she blacks out

Brad's heart races as he shouts into the phone

"Sarah answer me" he yells into the phone as tears flow "please"

every person in the room looks as if their hearts are broken. he hangs up feeling broken

"my angel" he says as tears start falling faster "she jumped.."

he looks at the people in the room. James is crying in the corner with Tristan. Marissa is sobbing into Connor's chest while his tears fall. Brad gets up not caring that he's weak. he dial's the home phone and the sitter picks up

"umm hi i'm Brad Simpson" Brad says "i don't suppose you'd like to fly out and bring my daughter Nina?"

the girl agrees to it and they arrange everything. Brad needs to be there for his daughter now. his angel is dead.

Sarah's cold body is rushed somewhere. voices surround her. she can tell they aren't good people. she stays motionless and silent so they won't know she's alive

"dude she's sexy as fuck we should keep her" one guy says

she tries to think. what's her own name? she can't remember anything.

"what should we name her all that shit?" another asks

"she looks like a.... Selena" the first guy says "and i guess she can take my last name"

"so pretty much Selena Markson?" the second guy asks

"yup" the first guy says "we can tell her she's our little sister or something. if she doesn't remember anything then it'll be easy!"

she feels one of them trying to stitch her cuts up from the glass she fell on.she passes out again. only remembering one thing.

her name is Selena Markson.


when she wakes up she's in a large house. in a bedroom. she goes to move but her leg is chained to the bed. Selena notices them open her door and she looks at the blue eyed blonde boy infront of her. he sits by her bed

"sorry about the chains but you broke alot of bones we wanted to make sure you didn't leave and hurt yourself" he states

she nods hesitantly

"w-who are you?" she asks "who am i-i?"

he smiles and rests a hand on her thigh.

"you're name is Selena Markson" he states "i'm your big brother Steve"

she nods hesitantly not moving. they have her neck in a holder so she can't bend her neck. she must have broken it or came close to breaking it.

"don't talk too much love" the guy she must have heard first says walking in "i'm Jackson your boyfriend"

she nods hesitantly

"why don't i remember anything?" she asks

"you fell off a building" Jackson states "well you jumped more like"

she looks around as  Steve leaves and Jackson lays beside her. she feels him kiss her ear whispering to her

"you're mine" he states

she feels him nibbling her ear and he goes infront of her and gently kisses her. she kisses back

her name is Selena now...

Brad holds his daughter close as the sitter leaves. he cradles her.

"i promise Sarah" he says looking up since he's alone "i'll take care of our baby girl. i promise"

he lets tears flow as he sets her gently in her crib. he already has deicded to stop hurting himself. he's not going to leave like Sarah did. he can't leave his daughter parentless.

he needs to fight for her.. even though it hurt so much.

he just wants Sarah back..

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