chapter 15 (memories)

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it's been almost a year since Sarah dissapeared. Brad's been taking care of Nina full time. Selena has been living with the boys who kidnapped her till yesterday when they sent her off to college. she broke up with Jackson since then. he was starting to abuse her for not wating sex. she smiles as she starts walking home. she's living off campus due to the face that she couldn't afford on campus. she hears a few girls squealing and rushes ahead. she spots a boy much taller than her. something about his eyes she remembers. the second his eyes lock with hers she feels her heart racing. he carries his daughter over

"hi there" he says smiling "i'm Brad and this is my daughter Nina"

she smiles gently

"it's a pleasure to meet you both" she states "i'm Selena"

he smiles and nods trying to think. he thinks Selena looks identical to Sarah. except shorter hair and her body is thinner. the once chubby cheeks are now smaller and don't stand out. but she's still beautiful to him

"i'm sorry do i know you?" he asks

she shakes her head

"sorry i don't remember you" she says "i mean my brother mentioned everyone i knew and there wasn't any mentioning of a Brad or Nina"

he nods sadly and holds Nina. Nina looks at her

"mama!" she says

Selena smiles and blushes

"Nina shh baby girl" Brad says blushing "sorry about her. we're both missing her mummy alot"

"where is she?" Selena asks

Brad gets quiet and clears his throat.

"s-she passed away about a year ago" he states feeling miserable "she killed herself"

Selena immediatly feels bad for him and by habit hugs him.

"i'm so sorry" she says tenderly

he knows her voice from somewhere. he feels like he's going crazy as he and Nina hug her

"it's ok. i know she's in a better place now" Brad says trying to steady his voice

Selena hands him her number kindly

"if you ever need a baby sitter or anything i'm always available" she says "i'm trying to go through college"

he nods and she walks back to her appartment. he goes into the hotel room and James is waiting. James smiling as he starts feeding Nina her baby mushy food he hates the smell of.

"she's too much like her mummy" James says smiling at her as he feeds her and she claps "you ok Brad?"

he notices Brad looking at the paper in his hands alot. Brad looks up and nods

"uhh yeah"  Brad says "i just umm... i met a girl today..."

"oh my god mate that's great!" James says sounding happy

"she gave me her number" Brad states "james all i thought about was Sarah. it feels like i'd be cheating on her.."

james sighs and weakly sits beside Brad

"Brad Sarah's dead. the saw the blood at the crime scene. there isn't a chance that she could survive that  jump" James said "somebody probably took her body and dumped it"

Brad sighs and nods weakly

"i'll call the girl to baby sit at first. to see what Nina thinks of her" Brad states

"what did she think of her at first glance?" James asks

"she called her mama" Brad says smiling a bit to himself "it was adorable"

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