chapter 23 (Recovery and tests)

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***sorry it's so short guys! I've been really busy lately. love y'all - Jade Hower***Sarah wakes up to find herself in a hospital room. She tries to speak but she can't. She looks around the room and she sees Tristan and Connor sitting by her bed. Tristan rubs her knuckles

"Shhh shh" he says softly. "You're safe."

"And so is Brad" Connor adds "He's in the room across the hall with James"

Sarah barely speaks as her voice shakes.

"what happened?" she asks softly as her voice barely gets out

"Brad jumped off a bridge and you followed to save him. We aren't too sure what happened but you're legs got deathly cold. They didn't even think they could save Brad but he was able to be revived" Tristan explains

Brad coughs and looks around the room as James sits with him. He hates not being able to go to Sarah and comfort her. James speaks up

"Mate why did you do it?" James asks him "why?"

Brad gets a lump in his throat and swallows hard.

"James I wanted to die" Brad admits truthfully "have you seen the hate on twitter?"

"Brad we've gotten hate for a long time now you should be used to it" James states

"James it's everywhere. Towards not only me but Sarah. And Nina. My family" Brad says as his tears flow

James sighs and both of them look up as Tristan and Conner roll Sarah in. Sarah wheels over to him and he leans over weakly just enough to plant his lips on hers. They pull apart and she holds his hand.

"are you okay?" she asks starting to get stronger

"I'm fine baby girl" he says kissing her hand. "i feel so much better knowing my girl is safe"

Sarah nods and James picks her up laying her under the covers with Brad. Brad pulls Sarah into his strong arms and kisses her head. His arms protectively around her. James, Tristan, and Conner go out into the hall to talk.

"guys Brad wanted to die" James states "what are we going to do? The fans can't know that he's this broken. And we can't let him do this more"

"well he didn't start doing this until Sarah came into his life" Conner admits "Maybe she's the problem after all"

"We can't break them up guys" Tristan states

"i agree. Then Brad would die anyway and Sarah would kill herself too. We can't watch them fall to pieces like that" James says "we need a good idea"

they continue to discuss their plans for getting Brad and Sarah to be good again.

Meanwhile Sarah sighs as she cuddles Brad. Her heart flutters as always when she listens to his steady heartbeat.

"I love you Brad" Sarah states "So much"

"I love you too Sarah" Brad says gently as he plays with her hair "forever and always"

Sarah rubs his chest and looks up at him. He looks back at her and smiles before kissing her softly. His lips fitting perfectly with hers. They pull apart before cuddling each other. Sarah traces her fingers around his chest as she thinks.

"Brad can we take a vacation?" Sarah asks him gently

he smiles a bit and rubs her back

"Sounds good to me" Brad states

Sarah smiles and falls asleep in Brad's arms. Brad falls asleep soon afterward with thoughts flooding his mind. Why does everybody hate him? What did he do wrong?

Sarah jumps as she wakes up from a nightmare. She sees Brad's sound asleep and kisses his forehead before getting herself to the bathroom. She washes her face gripping the supported counter so she won't fall. She then starts to get sick. She kneels to the toilet just as she starts to throw up anything in her stomach. Soon she feels somebody hold her hair back for her. She slowly finishes and then James holds her closer.

"are you okay?" he asks

Sarah rests a hand on her belly as her tears fall. She hasn't vomited that much since she was pregnant with Nina. She blows it off and nods softly.

"I'm fine" she says "i promise"

He nods and shrugs before walking away. She holds her stomach and finds a pregnancy test. She takes the test and sets the timer sitting on the floor just thinking. What if she is pregnant? What will Brad do? He's so depressed anymore. What if she looses him? It's hard enough raising one child. What if she has another? Two children she'd have to care for without Brad.

The timer goes off and Sarah picks up the test. She gets a lump in her throat as she sees the blue lines. She's pregnant. She holds her belly as her tears fall and she throws it out. She goes out of the hospital limping from still being so weak. She goes to a near by park and she just sits down. She's pregnant. With his child.

This can't be good.

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