chapter 6 (the weight of her heart)

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Bradley watches Sarah as she sleeps in his arms. after arguing with James alot he finally was allowed to sleep with her (not in a dirty way!!). he kisses her forehead and shuts his eyes. what's he going to do? he loves her. a lot. but loving her is so wrong. they both can get in gigantic trouble if this doesn't stay a secret. yeah it's not like he's 40 but still. he could get arrested. she could be taken away. he tenses at the thought. he doesn't want her taken away. he wants to hold her heart and protect it. but it's going to be so hard keeping it from breaking. especially when she's not legal for him and all the fans will destroy her.

the next morning he wakes up a bit suprised that he didn't slide away from her in his sleep. he smiles as his eyes meet hers. she smiles at him moving a bit of his curly hair from his eyes.

"morning baby" she whispers

he smiles and kisses her softly. every kiss makes him desperate for more. she smiles and they both get out of bed changing for the day ahead. they step out of their hotel room as James walks over to them

"woah you both are awake!!!" James says smirking "come on we better go"

Brad nods and holds Sarah's hand as they make it through the crowded lobby. they get into the car and drive with the other boys to the place they are performing at tonight. Sarah walks to a seat and watches as the four boys take their places on stage. singing with the mics off. she smiles as Bradley starts singing 'wild heart' looking straight at her. the boys take a break an hour later and she gets onstage. he smiles at her and wraps his arms around her

"i know this is probably boring" he says

"nah i could watch for hours" she says smiling and blushing

he laughs and kisses her forehead. she smiles and he guides her to the mic

"time for Miss Winter to sing something for us!!" Bradley says clapping his hands

she looks at the four boys and a few people watching and swallows her fear. she can't keep hiding it. she clears her throat and decides to sing

"heart beats fast colors and promises. how to be brave. how can i love when i'm afraid to fall. but watching you stand alone. all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow. one step closer. i have died every day waiting for you nd darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years.. i'll love you for a thousand more. time stands still. beauty nd all she is. every breath. every hour has come to this. one step closer. one step closer. nd all along i believed i would find you and time has brought your heart to me. i have loved you for a thousand years. i'll love you for a thousand more"

she stops after the long note and the people clap. she blushes and smiles silently thanking them before walking off the stage. Brad helps her off the stage and she almost falls into his arms. he smiles cheekily and when nobody is looking pecks her lips

"love you princess" he whispers

"love you too prince" she whispers right back

he smiles and wraps an arm loosly around her shoulders. they walk side my side. her hand holding onto the one that is dangleing from her shoulder. he smiles and pulls her closer kissing the top of her head. they walk out the back door and take secret routes till they get to the place they are supposed to go to for an interview. Sarah waits away from them watching it on tv since she's told to wait on the other side of the building

the interviewer smiles at the four boys and asks loads of dumb questions. then she gets more serious

"now boys there's rumor that oyu brought a girl with you" the interviewer says

"yeah we actually did" James says smiling "she's like a little sis to all four of us"

Brad nods and Sarah's heart flutters.

a simple crush (Bradley Simpson Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora