Chapter Twenty-Five: Grian

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We're back! Woo! Take a chapter!

WC: ~580 (*throws laptop out window*)


Grian stared at the two colored wisps. What were they? He had never seen anything quite like them, especially not in the mindspace. And what they did next was even stranger.

The blue one seemed to turn towards Grian, although neither had a face, and then wrapped its tail around the others. Grian watched dumbfounded as their 'tails' twined, and they seemed to be... watching him. Slowly, Grian stepped forward, and the wisps didn't react.

Are they... alive? Grian wondered, then dismissed the thought. How could anything alive be inside his mind? Unless if they were Watchers...

"Are you Watchers?" Grian transmitted into the emptiness, doing the best he could to send a message. Shockingly enough, both the wisps lurched back, making them seem even more alive than before. What's going on?

"Okay... you aren't Watchers?" Grian guessed. He figured that if they were Watchers, then they would be used to transmissions. Grian hesitated when they didn't respond, then decided to try something. 

Grian pooled his energy and magic, then sent it out in a wave. He wasn't sure what it would do, but was glad he did it when the wisps changed their forms.

Into the forms of two men.

The white wisp spiraled to look like a person with rather big eyes, but no other remarkable features that Grian could see. It was hard to tell though, as he had no color. It was like an outline, using the same white that his wisp had been. 

The other, the blue wisp, looked similar. His eyes were normal-sized, however, and he had what looked like a bandana holding his hair back.

Who are these people??

And why are they in my head?

"Can you hear me?" Grian asked. They looked taken aback for a second, before the blue one nodded. The two exchanged a glance, and the white one pressed his hands against his forehead.

Is he trying to transmit? Grian wondered, amused. Good luck, big eyes.

"What are your names?" Grian thought. That's what transmitting really was. Thinking loudly at someone. 

The blue one hesitated for a second, then held up an open hand with his thumb folded in. He then switched his hands positioning to an 'O' shape, but with his pointer finger held up. 

"I don't know sign language," Grian warned before he could continue, realizing what he was trying to do. 'Blue's face fell for a second, and 'White' gave him a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. 'White's face suddenly seemed to light up, and he started repeatedly tracing the same pattern in the air. Grian concentrated on it, then,

"'K'," he guessed, earning an energetic nod from 'White'. "K... does your name start with a 'K'?" Another nod. 

A while of tracing and guessing later, Grian learned that 'White' was actually 'Keralis', and 'Blue' was actually 'Bdubs'. 

"Bdubs and Keralis," Grian transmitted with satisfaction. "I'm Grian. Would either of you happen to know what 'Hermitcraft' is?"

The reaction was instant.

Bdubs practically lunged forward to grab Grian's hands, and Keralis covered his mouth with both of his hands. Keralis then traced the letters of 'yes' in the air, although Grian had already guessed that answer, and Bdubs started tracing the same three letters over and over on Grian's wrist.

"'Doc'?" Grian asked, shocked to realize what letters Bdubs was trying to communicate. "You... want me to tell Doc?" A desperate nod from Bdubs. 

"Alright, I will," Grian told him, cracking a glowing smile from him. 

Grian squeezed Bdubs's hands, then Keralis's. 

And then he pulled.

Time to head back...

With a message. 

Bdoc? Yep, I had to.


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