I'm worried

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I sit down on a white lounging chair in the center of the room, set down my bag, and get comfy.

I'm getting a lot of weird looks from people around the room, but they're probably just jealous.

I'm practically glowing.

"What do you think you're doing?!" A deep booming voice rings.  I turn my head to the door to see a short but obviously infuriated professor.

My professor, I realize. I sit up straight and grin agreeably.

"Hello, sir," I smile. "I'm Herme-,"

"Get out of my chair and sit in your proper seat with the rest of the students."  He ordered.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't realize this chair was yours. Thanks, professor."

"Just shut up and sit. I don't want to hear another word until the end of class."

I nod and climb the soft stairs resembling clouds, taking a seat beside an attractive boy at a white marble desk.

"Hey," I offer, extending my hand. "The name is Hermes." The boy smirks and his striking cerulean eyes glint as he speaks.

"No offense, but I really don't care."

I pause. That wasn't the answer I was expecting. A 'hey handsome' maybe, or at least a simple 'hello'. I scoff.

"You're not going to tell me your name?"

He sighs and pushes a golden lock from out of his eyes. "It's Apollo, but you'll never have to use it."

"And why is that?"

"I don't associate with young knock-off gods," he states simply before pausing and looking up at me. "No offense meant, I'm just not interested in whatever you are."

"I never said I was interested in anything," I sharply state. "If anything, you're a knock-off of me," I gesture to our similar outfits consisting of ripped jeans and a white t-shirt, and our similar hairstyles.

Apollo just scoffs and looks me up and down.
"I don't have time for this."

I roll my eyes and face the professor as he starts his lecture.  Something about protecting the safety of mortals, etc etc.

It's painstakingly boring and repetitive.

It's only been an hour since I've started college, and it doesn't seem as exciting as I'd envisioned.

I zone out for most of the class and some time later, I realize everyone is taking extensive notes almost anxiously.

To my right, Apollo is biting his pen as he watches a slim student with curly purple hair in front of us raise their hand and ask a question.

The room practically smells like overachievers.

For the first time in my life, I'm worried.

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