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After I agreed to stay, we talked and cuddled for a few hours. It was comfortable to be with him, I could forget my worries and just appreciate the moment.

I ended up taking the couch after a long-lasting argument where Apollo urged me to take his bed. Both of us unmoving in our stubborn persists, I stayed on the couch and he glared at me from the floor, where he eventually passed out once it got late enough.

I woke up earlier, carefully sitting up to stretch and dropping my blanket onto Apollo who didn't look very comfortable on the hard floor. Stomach growling, I tiptoe around him and quietly step into the kitchen, trying to put together a small meal.

As I look through his pantry and refrigerator, there were hardly any ingredients, just remnants of meals and various forms of alcohol. After some digging, I found a half-empty carton of eggs and figured them sufficient. I pull out a pan, scrubbing it relatively clean before using it to fry a couple of eggs.  By the time the food is plated, Apollo has woken up and sleepily walks up to me in the kitchen.

"This for me?" He mumbles sleepily, ruffling my hair. His shirt was crumpled and he had lines on his face from the floor, some covered up by his mess of hair spilling across his face. He rubs his slightly puffy eyes, still looking half asleep.

"Mm, definitely not." I pull the plate away from him and sit myself at his table. He follows me in protest, a look of betrayal on his features.

"What? Here I was, thinking you were trying to be romantic." He shakes his head in faux disappointment.

"You snooze you lose," I grin, taking a bite. "Make your own."

"Too sleepy. Plus, I'm a terrible cook." He grumbles with humor.

"Hmm, sounds like your problem, not mine." I smile, laughing as he slaps his hand to his face.

"Aw, come on." He then sits down next to me, ruffling my hair and leaning his face on arm extended on the table, giving me sad eyes.

"Hey! Don't look at me like that," I grumble, taking a bite before pushing the plate towards him. His expression immediately brightens and his blue eyes twinkle in success.

"Puppy dog face always works," he beams before digging in to the rest of the food. I sigh and stand up, cleaning up the mess I'd made in the kitchen, returning to sit down next to Apollo. "Thanks errand boy," he grins.

"Yeah, yeah. Clear your plate." I chastise, him agreeing and walking to the kitchen to set the plate in the sink. He returns and plops back down on the couch, gesturing for me to join him. When I do, he wraps his arm around me and makes eye contact.

"You feeling any better today?" He asks me kindly, looking at me with empathy.

"Yeah, I am. Thank you, for listening and letting me stay." It's true, my thoughts are clearer and I'm able to let go of some of my anxiety surrounding the letter from Aphrodite.

"I'm glad, you can always come to me if you need something." He smiles and I hug him closer to me in acknowledgement of his words.

"What do you think we should do about the letter?" I ask him, realizing that it's still a present problem.

"I don't know. I guess whatever would anger her the least, yeah?" He shrugs.

"But what would that be? Does that mean I should or shouldn't tell Eros about us?"

"I don't know. Honestly, I have my opinion but I wouldn't be surprised if she took a different angle." He leans farther back into the couch.

"If Eros knows, he'll be more upset but I can't tell if Aphrodite values honesty or Eros's contentment more." I wince.

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