Ambrosia and fistfights

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"Thanks," I smile at the employee who hands me my ambrosia.
"That would be three drachmas," they say with a bored expression.

I hand over the cash and sit down at a picnic table overlooking earth.

It's picturesque to live in the clouds, but inconvenient during thunderstorms. Despite that, I quite enjoy the change in scenery. It feels powerful to have a bird's eye view over a planet.

As I sip my drink, a pretty blonde haired god walks up and sits down across from me.

"Hi," she shyly smiles. "I'm Circe."

"I'm Hermes," I grin back. Finally a god who seems decent.

"You a freshman?" She asks.

"Yep, it's my first day. You?"

She shakes her head. "I'm a sophomore, majoring in enchantments."

"Nice, that sounds like a workload."

She sighs and chuckles. "Oh, it is." There's a slight pause before she asks "So what's your major?"

"Human sciences." I say enthusiastically. "Some say it's useless, but they're not an all bad species."

"Interesting," she muses. "I've never spent time to really think about it before."

"Most people don't," I laugh. "That's fine, but humans actually play a vital role in our society. We kind of rely on them." I grab my backpack and stand up. "I've got to head to my next class, but it was nice to meet you."

"You as well!" She smiles. "Hey, I'm having a party tonight. You should come!"

"Sweet! Yeah, sounds good," I agree.

She pulls out a pen and scribbles out the address. "Here. It's at 10."

"I'll be fashionably late," I wink and walk toward my next class.

I hum as I jovially saunter across campus. I'm walking across the courtyard when I hear shouting to my right. I turn my head to see a group of gods anxiously surrounding two emotionally overheated students.

Their verbal fighting quickly became physical as soon as the taller god with a mop of blonde hair yelled and tackled the smaller one.

The surrounding group of gods recoiled and started shouting as well as they watched the smaller god get pummeled with his weak attempts to summon objects in order to fend off the other god.

He summoned a pencil with a look of relief, then in exasperation groaned and dropped it; obviously not what he intended to summon. It was kind of sad to watch.

I sigh and drop my bag as I confidently walk over to the two of them.

"Hey!" I shout, only gaining the attention of the surrounding gods. I clear my throat. "HEY!"

The two gods in a fistfight paused to look at me.

I click my tongue. "Guys, is it really the best idea to fight on the premises?"

They both just blink then continue with their rapid fist-fire. The gods around me chuckle at my failed attempt.

I roll my eyes and clear my throat. "HEY. I'm not a fan of fights aside from playful banter, but that doesn't look like that's what's going on here, huh?"

Silence. I continue.

"Okay, well if you won't stop I guess I'll have to force you, huh?"

I step directly in between the two of them and catch their punches with ease, manipulating gusts of wind to nimbly flip them over. I stand with one foot on top of them, pausing for a second before blowing the hair out of my eyes.

There's silence as gentle shock ripples through the crowd, evolving into harsh whispers.

I step back and help each of the scuffled gods to their feet, both of them running off before I could say a single word.

"Wow, not even a thank you," I chuckle to myself.

I turn around to grab my backpack, only to see the group of gods looking at me eagerly.

"That was incredible. You're really powerful," one goddess whispers.

I laugh. "Thank you." I humbly reply.

"Yeah, thanks for stepping in," a taller, dark haired and attractive god pipes in.

"No problem,"  I grin, winking at him.

"I'm Eros," he offers in a deep voice. I look him up and down. He's tall and fit with deep brown hair that almost perfectly matched his skin tone; my eyes meeting his mischievous purple ones.

"Hermes," I reply, extending my hand.

His grip is strong, his smooth hands only slightly larger than mine.

"I've really got to go to class," I admit.

"No problem," he smiles. "Go ahead, I'll see you around."

I grab my bag and walk to class, a gentle grin sneaking across my features.

I, Hermes, am going to rule this school.

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