Cheap beer & red wine

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I step back, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I don't have to try hard to look amazing, but it never hurts to put in some effort.

Tonight, I'm especially gorgeous. I'm wearing simple ripped jeans with a collared striped shirt and a brown leather jacket. My curly brown hair is loose and slightly falls into my shining amber eyes.

It's go-time.

I straighten my jacket and confidently stride outside of my dorm room, drawing the attention of several attractive gods as I make my way to the party hosted at the dorms across campus.

As I near the building with the party, there are stragglers wandering the campus, obviously intoxicated from whatever they're serving.

I can already tell this party is a top-tier one.

I make my way around a passed-out peer as I reach the open doorway into the large student study hall hosted in the dorm complex.

There's loud music blasting of a different style than I'm used to. Dozens of gods and goddesses are huddled together; some dancing, some drinking, and some having explosive emotional conversations spurred by alcohol.

This is exactly my scene.

I enter the hall, making my way around crying groups of friends, and towards the alcohol.

They're serving cheap beer and some red wine, probably sponsored by some followers of Dionysus.

I pour myself a glass of wine, leaning against a doorframe as I leisurely sip.

"Excuse me," a deep voice calls from behind me. I quickly turn around to see none other than my entitled desk-mate Apollo.

He looks me up and down, meeting my eyes after a second.

"Like what you see?" I smirk.

"No, just thinking about how that shade washes out your skin tone." He calmly replies, obviously uncomfortable.

"Mhm." I hum. "I wouldn't have thought a party like this is your know, I'm sure sharing drinks and a space with lesser gods is exhausting on your end."

He rolls his striking blue eyes and slides his hand into his jeans' pocket. "It wasn't exhausting until you arrived."

"Oh, I apologize. I'll stop hogging your air." I step aside and gesture the open space for Apollo to pass. "Why don't you leave then?"

He laughs without humor and steps closer to me, straightening his back to come to his full height. "Hey. Don't mess with me."

I chuckle dryly. "Let's not pick fights, shall we? I'm sure I'm not worth the energy."

He sighs and ruffles his golden locks with his slim hand. "No, you're right. You're definitely not worth my time."

And with that, he walked off and sat on a couch a distance away from me, wrapping his arm around some red haired goddess.

I sigh and take another sip of wine, until a familiar bright voice calls out.

"Hermes! You made it," Circe chimes.

I turn around and see the goddess standing in front of me, wearing a white blouse with her tight black curls tied up in a ponytail; her tight red skirt enunciated by her equally bright red lipstick.

"Circe! Good to see you. Yeah, it's a lively party. How could I miss it?"

She laughs lightly and places her slim hand on my shoulder. "Have a nice night, will you? Let me know if you need anything. I'm happy to introduce you to anybody."

"Alright, I will." I smile, pausing for a second as I think. I place my hand on her arm as she walks away, and she turns around to face me again. "Actually, I was wondering if you could tell me about a couple of people."

A bright smile illuminates her face. "Hell yes. Who do you want to know about?"

I rub the back of my neck as I try to push down the embarrassment. "Do you know of Apollo?"

Faint recognition flashes across her face before she speaks. "A little, I don't know him very well personally but I know a lot of people who do. He's pretty popular, talented as hell, not to mind he's kind of a catch," she teases me, looking over at him.

"Oh, hell no." I shudder. "In all of our exchanges he's proven to be judgmental and kind of elitist."

She nods and tilts her head. "Yeah, that makes sense. He can be snobbish to those he's intimidated by."

I chuckle. "Intimidated by?"

"Yeah," she nudges my shoulder. "What have you done to impress him?"

I laugh dryly. "Impress? More like infuriate."

She shrugs. "People show attraction in different ways."

I roll my eyes. "Okay, okay. Now can you tell me about someone named Eros?"

Her eyes widened and she smirked. "Eros, huh? How did you meet him?"

"I broke up a fight and he saw it happen, it-" I was quickly cut off by a familiar voice.

"-it was pretty impressive," the voice finishes. I turn to my right to face the tall dark and handsome god in front of me.

"Hey, Hermes." Eros smiles.

It was only the start of the party and I could already tell that his gorgeous smile was going to end me up in deep shit.

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