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My heart pounds with anxiety as Eros's firm gaze doesn't waver; determination hardening behind his eyes. I blink in confusion, trying to make sense of his sudden need for confrontation.

Last we'd spoke, it seemed to be the unanimous preference that we would avoid further interaction. Did Eros want to talk in order to chew me out some more? I severely doubt he'd look so serious over something as casual as a chat between ex-lovers.

"We need to talk," Eros repeats, frowning at my lack of response.

I swallow, my voice coming out smaller than I would have preferred. "Okay."

Eros nods towards an empty hallway to the left of us; gesturing for me to follow him away from the mingling gods. He turns to walk, but I clear my throat and he pauses.

"What do we need to talk about?" I ask him.

Of course there has been a lot of conflict between us, but nothing new has occurred that would provoke Eros to want to talk with me. Especially at a time like this.

It's the gala! The prestigious event that both of us should be navigating and charting to our benefit; why would he choose a moment as important as this to talk about something surely more trivial?

Eros frowns at my question. "You'll see."

"Can this wait?" I wince. "Eros, we're at the gala. Both of us need to be talking to the Olympians, not abandoning our opportunities to sort out college drama."

Eros scowls, turning to glare at a far wall. "It can't wait," he emphasizes clearly.

"It'll have to," I persist. "Later, after this is over I'll come find you."

"You can't-"

"Are you boys having trouble?" Eros is cut off by a sickly- sweet voice coming from directly behind me. I pivot to face them, blanching as I make painfully intense eye contact with none other than Aphrodite herself.

My stomach flips as my nervous tension grows exponentially; in this moment wanting to be anywhere but here.

Aphrodite is smiling widely, her round lips pulled up in a perfect smile. Her features are balanced perfectly, bright blue eyes shining maliciously from behind wavy golden locks that have fallen into her face. Despite the soft expression on her face, her eyes glint maliciously and raise goosebumps on my skin in anticipation of her threats.

My breath catches in my throat as I think of something to say, both her and her son looking at me expectantly with matching glares.

"You two look nothing alike," I manage to say; flushing red once my words processed.

You idiot.

"But of course you don't, I guess godly genetics don't work that way..." my voice trails off with nervous laughter as my ranting becomes incoherent.

Hermes, get your act together and stop digging your goddamn grave.

Eros frowns and stiffens at my comment while Aphrodite's smile widens; her eyes sharpening dangerously.

"Hmm, I'm not surprised we don't look alike to you... I'm assuming I'm blonde and blue-eyed?"

"As if I needed any more confirmation that I'm not your type," Eros scowls at me.

Aphrodite taps her son's arm comfortingly. "Yes, well he can't help what he sees, can he?" She shifts her eyes to me. "I believe you and I have unfinished business."

"We do?" I gulp, deciding to play dumb.

"Don't act clueless," she snaps. "I believe Eros was trying to pull you aside? Let's go now, the three of us."

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