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I hum lightly to myself as I turn a page in my book, waiting for Circe, Hypnos and Daphne to show up.

I've cleaned up my dorm and sprayed a scent I thrifted from an annoying god while he was grabbing something from another room.

Since Apollo pointed out the lack of seating in my living room, I've spiced it up with a few ottomans in varying sizes and a couple chairs that I snuck out of the dining hall.

The finishing touch is an abstract painting stolen from a museum I raided on Earth. I take it out of my closet and hang on the living room wall. It rests slightly crooked, but that's homey, right?

There's a knock on the door, closely followed by the creak of the door sliding open.

"Oh, letting yourself in, are you?" I chuckle, leaning back and resting my feet on a circular ottoman.

Daphne enters and looks around the room in concern, then meeting my eyes.

"Hermes, you have.... interesting taste in home decor," she laughs.

"Why thank you," I grin. "I prefer to stand out from the crowd, you know?

Daphne chuckles as she sits down, setting down her purse. "Circe should be here-"

"You talking crap about me?" Circe walks in, closing the previously open front door as she makes her way to us. "Come on guys, I'm only two minutes late."

"No gossiping here," I hold my hands up. "Where's Hypnos by the way?"

"I dunno, I haven't heard from them," Circe shrugs. "Daphne and I don't have phones, remember? You're the one with their number."

I sigh. "You're right, I'll call them." Pulling out my phone, I pull up Hypnos's contact and hold the phone to my ear, their number immediately going to voicemail.

"They're not picking up," I tell them, setting my phone down. "Should I try again?"

"I would," Daphne encourages.

As I reach for the phone again, it starts ringing with a jaunty tune sung by a mountain nymph back home.

Circe snickers. "Nice ringtone."

"I know right?" I grin as I pick up the phone, Hypnos's groggy voice on the other end.

"Hermes, what's up?" They say.

"Well, why aren't you here? Circe and Daphne already are. You on your way?"

Hypnos sighs. "No, I'm held up at a cafe."

"What do you mean 'held up?'"

"I'm... currently waiting for an insolent god to show up," they sigh. "Goddess, I hate confrontation."

"You need backup?" I grin. "I'm sure we can come join you if you'd like."

"Actually, yeah that'd be great."

"Awesome, we're on our way over. Just the student cafe, correct?"


"Alright, we'll see you in a second." Smiling, I turn to Daphne and Circe. "Hypnos has to confront some dickhead god and they need backup. You guys up for it?"

"Hell yes!" Daphne immediately stands up and walks to the door, Circe and I following.

The cafe is a close distance, and we make the walk in just a couple minutes.

Pulling the cafe door open, I gesture the two goddesses inside. Circe only takes one step inside before flushing red and pulling Daphne back outside.

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