Golden boy

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Hypnos shoves me playfully and grabs my arm while smiling goodbye.

"Come on," I groan.

"See you around," they grin, releasing my arm.

I smile begrudgingly and make my way back to my dorm room. I've been feeling a bit lighter ever since I talked with Circe a couple of days ago, more at ease with the way things are.

Of course there is still a pit in my stomach but I've started to learn to tune it out. Instead of worrying about the whole Apollo-Eros situation, I've decided to let the stress go and not focus on it. Things will work out in their own due time, right? My anxiety doesn't help anyone.

Along the same lines, I've stopped ghosting everyone. Apollo was more relieved than upset when I finally replied, but we didn't talk about the kiss. I think we're both a little scared to acknowledge what happened, although I can't imagine that it's not on his mind as often as it is on mine. I hope I'm on his mind, at least.

I only brought myself to respond to Eros last night. I was terrified at how he'd respond, so I took a bit longer to actually bring myself to. He reacted about the way I had expected. He went on about how I betrayed his trust, worried him half to death, and how he cared about me too much to go so long without communication. It was overwhelming, so I tuned that conversation out too.

Eros came over to my house right after his text- lecture, and his mood had complete shifted. He was considerate and affectionate, almost like the scuffle had never happened. I was drained, too exhausted to properly engage with him or consent to his advances, so he left earlier than planned and we set up a date for this evening.

Once I get back to my dorm, I check the time and realize I still have a few hours before Eros will pick me up.

Sighing in relief, I allocate myself some time to sleep before the date. After all, I'm much more attractive after I'm well rested; I'm lucky enough to be a pretty sleeper. I walk to my room and let myself flop on my bed and close my eyes for a quick nap.


"Ughhh." I groan as I roll over, waking up. Opening my eyes and glancing at the clock, I realize that I've definitely slept way longer than intended.

Shit. Fucking damn me to Tartarus. I've officially got two minutes before Eros arrives to whisk me away again.

I can get ready in time, right? It's not like I need to beautify myself that much anyway.

Forcing myself out of bed with a groan, I shuffle to the closet and start to select a nicer outfit than my now wrinkled t-shirt and sweats. 

I'm slipping some clothes off of their hangers when I hear a loud knock at the door before it swings open loudly and I hear Eros coming towards my bedroom.

"Hermes?" He calls. "You ready?"

"Uh, yeah." I respond. "Just about. Just give me a sec, okay?"

I close my bedroom door and pull off my shirt to change into a button-up when the door opens and Eros walks in.

"Eros, I asked for a minute-"

"Doesn't matter when I've seen all of you anyways, yeah?" He smiles gently. "Can't I just wait in here?"

"Uh, sure." I smile nervously and finish changing, walking into the bathroom to fix my hair and clean up my face. Once I'm done, I walk back to my bedroom and sit on the couch next to Eros.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Ready," I agree. We walk out the door and Eros puts his arm around me.

"So where are we going?" I ask him.

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