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Hera stands intimidatingly in front of us, her sharp gaze cautioning us to tread carefully. As I glance to my side, Apollo's face is scrunched in a nervous frown that pretty much sums up the extent of my emotions: nervous, skeptical, and slightly relieved. Aphrodite and Eros look positively furious, but reign in their anger as they begrudgingly are forced to succumb to Hera's firm request.

"Don't stand there gaping like fish," Hera sighs. "Follow me."

The four of us warily trace her footsteps as she leads us down a different hallway, the air thick with mutual tension and the silence threatening to deafen us. None of us dare speak a word; our footsteps draining out the sounds of live music growing fainter behind us.

How long is this hallway? I frown. The building doesn't seem this large from the outside, but it seems as if we've been walking for minutes on end. I hardly realize my breathing is forced and uneven until I feel soft fingertips nudge my arm.

Apollo looks at me empathetically, running his hand up and down my arm soothingly before withdrawing himself in fear of the others noticing. I smile gently at him, trying to convey my gratitude. He nods in response, and suddenly the air feels less thick just by our simple interaction.

Hera finally comes to a standstill, pausing in front of a large doorway that frames the end of the hall. She pushes the doors open, gracefully moving to stand behind a large desk seated in the middle of the room. Various portraits of the gods are framed along the vast room's walls, paired with fabric covered chairs that are scattered along the room's exterior.

Hera sits in a large chair behind the desk, gesturing for us to be seated as well. "Pull up a few chairs, then we'll talk."

The four of us silently obey, Aphrodite grumbling under her breath as Eros grabs a chair for each of them. Apollo and I grab our own, then all four of us are seated and facing the goddess of the heavens.

"So," she weaves her fingers together and rakes her eyes across all of us. "Someone explain."

Aphrodite immediately opens her mouth, a few incoherent words slipping out before Hera silences her with a pointed glare. "Someone besides you," a thin smile escapes her lips. "You get carried away by your anger too much."

"Excuse me, I do not!" Aphrodite's face is flushed with frustration, and Hera just raises an eyebrow pointedly before casting her glance towards Eros.

"Go ahead," she tells him.

Eros looks uncomfortable, his arms placed awkwardly in his lap as he meets her eyes. "Alright. Well, it's just like we said before. Hermes has an enchanted pair of sandals that are contraband from campus. The rules speak for themselves."

"Yes, but why did you make it a public issue at the college gala?" Hera smiles softly. "Typically punishments for rule-breakers are dealt out in private with the Dean."

"Oh," Eros winces. "Well..."

"Does it matter?" Aphrodite snaps. "That brat broke the rules and he needs to learn that there are consequences."

"Of course, I think we both know that I believe the concept behind your words more than you do," Hera sighs. "But I don't like it when people bring external drama into Olympian affairs. Aphrodite, if you have a hindrance with this young god, work it out in private."

"It's not a big deal," Aphrodite rolls her eyes. "Can we just expel him and get it over with?"

Hera frowns. "Is there something I'm missing? Possession of a pair of flying sandals doesn't warrant being expelled."

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