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I walk into Human Studies a couple of minutes late, groaning internally when I see that every seat is taken.

Every seat but the seat next to the douche himself, Apollo.

I suppose it makes sense considering we have semi-permanent assigned seats in this class, but I was really placing my bets on a student being absent so I could sit in their empty spot instead.

I nod at the professor as I make my up the lecture room steps to our shared desk.

Ugh. Do I really have to sit next to this cocky fraud?

As I sit down, I immediately scoot as far away as I can from Apollo, which isn't much farther than I was in the first place.

He rolls his eyes. "Still harboring a grudge?"

"Hmph," I grumble as I lean forward on the desk, setting my bag under the bench. Apollo just rolls his eyes and we listen to the lecture in silence.

"Today I'll be assigning a large project," our professor announces, the entire class letting out a internal sigh. "I know many of you won't be excited, but it's a rather fun assignment. Many of my previous students said it was a highlight of this course."

"Yeah right," I mumble. It's just going to take up my precious weekend time.

"It is going to be a research project compiled into a five-page presentation. Here's the exciting part. Each of you will be researching a point on earth, visiting it, and creating your presentation based on the similarities of human lifestyle and ours."

I hum with interest. It's still a project, but I get to visit earth? Seems like I could make a day-vacation out of it. Maybe I could visit mom while I'm at it.

"To make it easier I'll split the load by making it a group project," the professor says with excitement, only receiving elicit groans from scattered students.

A group project? Seriously? I know nobody in here! I groan, running my hands through my hair. I'm seriously going to have to visit earth with someone I don't know?

"Your partner will be your desk mate." The professor announces. I scoff and Apollo laughs in disbelief.

"Looks like you're stuck with me, errand boy." Apollo says with annoyance but shrugs.

"I will kill you if you call me that one more time."

"I'm immortal."

"Doesn't matter. I'll find a way. Speaking of, I need to get myself out of this project with your fraudulent ass."

"I don't think you can-" Apollo is cut off by my immediate standing up, waving my hand as high as I can.

"Professor! Hey!"

"Oh," the professor points at me. "A question? Go ahead."

"Do we have to work with our desk mate? Like, for instance say your desk mate was a playboy thief, would trading project partners be an option?"

The professor laughs lightly and thinks for a moment. "I guess if you work it out with another pair, that would be fine. Just tell me beforehand."

"Perfect." I grin and walk over to another desk and gesture to the goddess sitting there. "Here!" I announce to the class. "They're my new partner! You there," I point to the god seated beside her. "I deeply apologize, but you're stuck with that golden douche seated in that desk over yonder." I point at Apollo and he waves, chuckling. I roll my eyes, turning to the pair I'd just approached. "Would it be possible to switch seats right now? I'm sure you're eager to sit next to your new partner."

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