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I pull out my phone, messaging Eros.

You free to do something tonight? He asks.

No, I'm hanging out with Circe, sorry.

Can't you ditch her? I'll take you somewhere nice.

I sigh, he wants to get together most nights and I haven't seen Circe in a couple of days.

Nope, I can't cancel. Maybe some other time?

How about lunch on Saturday?

I remember my assignment with Apollo.

I can't, I've got to study.

He replies quickly.


Guilt sinks in my stomach, but I shrug it off.

Sighing, I put my phone away, and start heading to Circe's place.

It's on the other side of campus, and takes me about ten minutes to jog over there.

Knocking on her door, it's opened almost immediately by an unfamiliar face. It's a young God with long black hair that frames their angular features and ebony eyes.

"Oh, I must have got the wrong dorm. Sorry," I step back and place my hand up to gesture my apology.

As I'm about to walk off, Circe's face pops up in the doorframe. "Hermes!" She grins and grabs my arm, pulling me inside.

"W-whoa, okay." I laugh as the door slams behind me.

"Sorry, Hypnos likes to scare people," Circe laughs. "Hypnos, this is Hermes. Hermes, Hypnos."

I nod in Hypnos's direction. "Nice to meet you."

They smile. "Likewise."

Hypnos has a sharp jawline and pronounced cheekbones, their pale skin contrasting with their dark eye bags.

I yawn, suddenly incredibly tired. I head to the couch and sit myself down.

Circe laughs and rolls her eyes. "Hypnos, cut it out."

"Hmm?" I say groggily. Hypnos rolls their eyes and snaps their fingers, my sleepiness immediately dispelling.

"Hang on," I groan. "Hypnos was messing with me?"

Hypnos lets out a smile. "Sorry."

Circe shoves them playfully, then turning to me. "They like messing around with us from time-to-time. Yell at them and they'll normally stop."

The bedroom door creaks as another young goddess steps out, curly red hair frizzing in all directions. A display of dark freckles are scattered across her face, and she grins when she sees me.

"Hey! You must be Hermes. Circe told me you were coming over." She walks over and gives me a hug. I stumble backward slightly surprised, but after a moment I lean into the comfortable embrace.

"I'm Daphne," she grins. "It's nice to meet you!"

"Likewise," I smile, then turning to Circe. "Nice gang you've got here."

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