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Eros stood in front of me, a simple smile illuminating his sculpted features. His twinkling green eyes matched his green sweater, white pants contrasting his hair and skin. He certainly knew how to dress.

He chuckled, his sharp jawline catching my eye. Holy Zeus, he was gorgeous.

Circe steps back from the pair of us, grinning mischievously. "I've got to go- do a thing. You two have fun," she not-so-subtlety steps away, looking back as us several times.

I sigh in exasperation and rub my forehead. "I just met her today," I admit. "She seems really sweet."

"She is," Eros agrees. "But tell me why you were talking about me?"

A twinge of a blush sweeps across my cheeks and I straighten myself to try to hide my embarrassment. "Oh, she was just telling me about some people on campus."

He nods slowly and chuckles, obviously not buying it. "Alright, I hope it was all good things."

"It was," I assure him. "I don't know if anyone would have something bad to say."

He sighs and rubs his forehead. "I wish that was true, I've got a reputation around here."

"Oh?" I wiggle my eyebrows teasingly. "What for?"

He sighs almost as if he's embarrassed before telling me: "I'm known to be a vigorous matchmaker; some say I'm a player on the side, but I beg to differ with that point."

"A matchmaker?" I laugh. "No offense, but why do you bother?"

He rolls his eyes. "My mother is Aphrodite, she's the only reason I got into this school." He shrugs and leans against the wall. "What can I say? Passion and love, it's in my blood."

I nod. "That's pretty useful. Even if it comes with a reputation, at least you get to have fun."

"Finally, someone gets it." He grins. "Hey, speaking of fun, wanna dance?"

I smirk. "Of course."

He smiles and grabs my arm, pulling me to the dance floor. We both dance enthusiastically, him spinning me around a couple of times and both of us laughing. For the next while we stay on the dance floor, occasionally leaving to chat with some other students.

Circe comes from the couch to talk to us, her curiosity breaking the distance. "So, how are the two of you doing?" She asks, not-so-innocently.

I roll my eyes and laugh. "Thanks, Circe. We're doing fine."

Eros chuckles. "I think we're doing more than fine, huh?" He looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

Circe giggles and I look up at Eros. "Yes, we're having a good time. This is a great party."

"Thank you!" Circe smiles. "I don't want to bother the two of you though, I'll go talk to some other people."

She walked off, cheering on a game of chess between Apollo and some other God. They both were concentrating extremely hard, and I found myself fascinated despite hating playing the game myself.

Apollo calmly moved his centaur, and for a split second he looked up at me and met his electric blue eyes with mine from across the room. I felt enveloped by those eyes, as much as I wanted to scowl at him, I didn't. There was almost a faint smile on his round lips and we held eye contact for only a split second. His eyes then swept to Eros beside me, and I could almost see him recoil from that sight.
Are Eros and Apollo on bad terms? I wonder. Then, just as quickly as he looked at me, he was focused on the game again.

"Hey," Eros's voice brings me back to my senses. "I'm glad I met you today."

I smile. "Me too, we should do this again."

"I wholeheartedly agree," he grins. We walk back to the bar to grab some baked ambrosia on a nearby table, and he grabs my hand as we do so.

In surprise, I look up at him. He just smiles warmly and guides me to the couch where we sit.

As I look at him, I catch myself thinking about kissing him, his gentle lips on mine. I shake my head to rid myself of the thought.

He tilts his head and looks deeply at me. "What you thinking about?" He asks.

I debate telling a lie, but then I realize that
for Zeus's sake. This is a party. Why the hell not?
"About this," I smile. I then place my hand on the back of his head and push his head towards mine, our lips meeting in the middle. He tastes of ambrosia, and I can feel him form a smile under my mouth as we kiss. I quickly pull back to see his reaction.

"Well?" I confidently ask.

He just smiles and leans in, our lips meeting again. It's probably near the best kiss I've had, not surprising considering he's a love god.

He places his hand on my cheek as he deepens the kiss, our mouths moving together and passion flowing through us.

Is he working some of his magical wiles on me?
I decide it doesn't matter. Spells or not, this feels spectacular.

I slide my hand down to his back, and pull away.

"Not bad," I smirk.

"You're not so bad either," he admits. He gives me another peck before standing up. "I'll be right back," he promises.

"Alrighty," I agree. I relax on the couch for a couple of seconds before I feel someone tapping my shoulder from behind. I turn around, meeting a familiar pair of eyes.


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