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I hum as I walk through my kitchen, packing a small backpack of snacks and drinks. I turn to my coffee maker and turn it on, just for it to hiss in protest of an injured interior. I sigh. It's broken again?

I open it to mess with the wires, smiling when I fix it within seconds. I close the compartment and plug it in again, patting myself on the back.

As my coffee is brewing, I take the bag of food to my room and put it in my backpack, along with a first aid kit, a map, and a few random trinkets that I found last time on earth. Perhaps I can figure out what they are this time around. I can swipe a few more interesting things too.

Checking the time on my phone, I realize Apollo will be here to pick me up in about ten minutes. Aw shit, I never am ready in time. Throwing my phone back on the bed, I try to ignore the couple dozen messages from Eros. He's been messaging me a couple times a day since our last encounter while Apollo and I were studying.

I'm not very upset at him, I just don't trust him. Nor do I like him enough to keep pursuing something with him. He's just been empty words for the past week, perhaps I'd listen to him if he showed me that he was genuine.

Sighing and rubbing my forehead, I throw on ripped jeans, a clean shirt and an unzipped hoodie. I then walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth, styling my wavy hair out of my eyes.

I then grab my backpack and phone from my bedroom and place it on an ottoman in my living room. I pour myself a cup of coffee and add 'too much' cream and sugar as I'm told by most of my friends and family.

I sit on a reclining chair in my living room and lean back as I sip lightly, waiting for Apollo to arrive. My head buzzes with excitement, realizing we have a full day off to explore earth. It's fun to think of spending time talking with and observing humans. It's interesting to think of how their society functions. Although I'm sure Apollo is less than excited, he's not the worst partner to go with. He knows how to have fun, even if he annoys the hell out of me sometimes.

I hear a loud knock at the door, and I set down my coffee and take my time walking over to the door and opening it.

"Apollo-" I pause in shock. "You're not Apollo."

Eros chuckles and sighs before placing his hand in his pocket. He's wearing a long tan coat with a pink sweater underneath, accompanied by a pearl necklace and his hand is wrapped around a small box. He smiles at me apologetically. "Do you wish I was?"

I freeze for a second, processing what's happening, and how good he looks. He has that innocent look on his face, and guilt seeps into my chest. Should I feel bad for not answering his texts?

"Hi, Eros." I force, making eye contact with him but stepping in front of the doorway so he can't come in. Eros notices and rubs the back of his neck.

"Look, I know you've been ignoring me and I should probably just respect the fact that you don't want to talk to me... but I can't."

"Respect is that hard for you?" I snicker.

"No, I didn't mean it like that..." Eros sighs. "I just... I really like you, Hermes. And I can't have you keep ignoring me like this. It was one fight, and I can fix this."

"But you haven't tried," I remind him. "You've messaged me all week with no reply but that's not trying."

Eros nods. "I know. Which is why I'm trying now."

"Showing up at my door when I have plans isn't trying, Eros."

"Oh right, your Canada trip with Apollo."

I scowl. "It's insensitive to come here on the day when you knew I was busy."

Eros shrugs apologetically. "I wanted to come here before Apollo did because I want you to realize that I can give you more than he can."

I roll my eyes. "You don't get it. You're not in competition with him."

"Well, either way I want to show you that I care about you." He takes out the box that he's been holding and hands it to me. "Here."

I take it reluctantly. "What is it?"

"Just open it."

I pull the ribbon off of the small box and open it gently. Inside lies a simple chain bracelet with a charm of a slice of cake. I pause, confused and slightly repulsed by this childlike gift. "Uh, thanks Eros. I really like it." I try to sound genuine.

"I'm glad you do. On all of our dates you'd always order cake. So, although it's cheesy I thought you'd like it."

I wince. I don't have the heart to inform him that he's utterly wrong and I haven't ordered cake once. "Haha, yeah."

"Anyways, Hermes." Eros slips the bracelet on my wrist and grabs both of my hands, holding them in his. "I'm so sorry for being so rude and jealous earlier. I'll never do that again. Please, can you forgive me?"

I look into his eyes and he looks truly sorry. My stomach churns and I sigh. "Okay, I forgive you."

"Thank you." He embraces me tightly and I slightly lean into his hug. He feels... familiar.

"No problem."

"In that case..." Eros's expression turns shy and he looks at me endearingly. "Hermes, I like you a lot. And I know I'm moving fast but if you feel the same way I do, I don't think you'll mind." He pauses, anxiously looking for his words. "Hermes, will you be my boyfriend?"

I feel paralyzed in shock. Did I hear him correctly? Did he really just- ask me that? My stomach drops and I start to sweat. He's looking at me with such a hopeful expression.

"Hermes?" He asks me, leaning down to look in my eyes. I avoid his glance and stare at the floor as I deeply evaluate what is happening.

He would be devastated if I reject him, I realize. Plus, being with Eros doesn't sound bad. He's kind to me and from what I can tell, wishes the best for me. I don't see a downside to it. I ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach as I look back up at him, and see his adoring expression. Guilt seeps into me. I can't hurt him, I think. And I like being around him.

"O-okay." I say. Eros sighs with happiness and kisses me, pulling back after a second and taking my hand. My thoughts are blurry and I pretend to be as ecstatic as him as I put on a fake smile.

I look to the side as I hear footsteps approaching, Apollo carrying a small bag as he approaches me. "Eros?" He looks heavily confused at our interlocked hands. "What are you doing here?"

Eros grins and proudly looks at me. "I'm
about to take my boyfriend on a date."

"Boyfriend?" Apollo looks at me with concern. "But I thought-"

"Hermes just agreed," Eros informs him. I make eye contact with the confused Apollo and nod lightly.

"But- what about our trip?" Apollo's expression stirs guilt inside of me.

"Reschedule it," Eros tells Apollo. "I'm taking Hermes out." He tugs on my hand and pulls me out of the door way, starting to walk in the other direction.

"Hermes, he's not serious," Apollo searches my face for any sign that Eros might be wrong. I shrug off the lingering shame and avoid eye contact with either of them.

"He's.... not," I tell Apollo.

"So that's it? You're just leaving? What about our trip?" He throws his hands up in the air in frustration.

I open my mouth to speak, but Eros tugs my hand again and starts guiding me away from Apollo. I look back at him apologetically. There's no way to please both of them, I realize. I sigh and look at Apollo. "I'm sorry," I tell him.

With that, Eros pulls me away as we leave campus he looks at me adoringly. "I'm so happy," he tells me.

I nod, my stomach a pit. "Me too."

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