Day 1

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Dear Diary,

Today was a weird one. I woke up in the woods and then got trapped on the other side of a haunted(i think) gate where the mist tried to kill me.

The worst part of the whole day had to be when I saw the dead body. The poor guy had been torn apart by wolves, or something. I can't imagine how horrible it was to die like that.

Then, I found the saddest town ever.

In that town, we brought these letters we found to the children of the guy that they were for because he was also dead, and we had his funeral.

Well... I can't say it was ALL bad. We got some pie... but then it mighta been cursed. Still not sure but, the screaming in my and Yipsin's heads at one point MAYBE came from that. idk. It mighta been this evil elf guy I think Dyzil has a thing for.

If there WAS anything good about today, it has to be the party I joined up with. There were three of them: Yipsin, Garm, and Dyzil!

Yipsin is a paladin of Sune. He's really cheery and sunshiney. I think that's really good to have in a friend!

I'm not sure how much I like Garm, but he seems like he'll be great to have in a combat situation if it ever comes to that!

While Dyzil's definitely not as friendly as Yipsin, he's still really cool. He knows magic!

Also, Ireena! I don't know much about her, but she's one of the dead letter guy's kids, and we have to take her to a place so that she can be safe from an evil vampire that apparently is in this place.

While I don't really like this place, and I hope I can figure out a way to go home before too long, I'm still glad to have my party with me!

Scared but optimistic,


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