Day 13

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Dear Diary,

Today was nuts, but we all made it!!

First off, we went to get Argynvost's skull from the witch lady. She was really rude and mean and stuff. She told us to go murder everyone at the winery, soooo we fought her and her angry house, and then she got splatted.

It's okay, though!! She was holding Jenny's sister nailed to the ceiling inside, and we saved her!

Who is Jenny? Good question. I was distracted by how cute Mordy is when we met her, but she's cool, I think! She's really, really great at healing magic, and she helped us out a lot!!

After we healed her sister, we all went and saw some visions of the past. A lot of them were sad and scary- Like... we saw when Countess Strahd's girlfriend got killed even though they were so, so cute together.- but also we got to feel some sunshine again!!!!

We said goodbye to Jenny and went to put the skull back with all of Argynvosts bones, so then all of the dead knights got to be at rest. I hope they're more happy in their next life and they never have to be stinky, cranky zombies again.

After that, it was back to Vallaki! (We were on the move a lot.)

Things weren't so good when we got there, though. A really rude guy was bullying everybody and trying to boss them around, so Dyzil had to go king mode and tell him what's what.

Things seem better now, but we still have to figure out who should actually be in charge of Vallaki. We went to the Blue Water Inn and got drinks instead of doing that, though.

Varger got drunk and said I was his best friend. I feel kinda bad that I couldn't say it back because, like, Dyzil was right there, and also I just met the guy.



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