Day 9

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Dear Diary,

Okay, WOW we just met Strahd! Er- Countess Strahd. That's what she wants me to call her. Not just Strahd.

Oh yeah, she's a she. It turns out people get a LOT of stuff wrong about her!

Like... she's actually pretty nice! She isn't even the one whose causing the evil mist and stuff! She says that there's some other Dark Powers that are causing it and everybody just got confused and they think that it's her. She wants it to go away just like the rest of us! She hasn't been able to do anything about it, but it's nice to know that we have her on our side!

So, basically, me, Dyzil, Guinevere, Lancelot, and Irvine all went to have dinner with her, and the food was awesome!

We also got to meet a bunch of Countess Strahd's friends while we were there!
I sat next to Escher who has really cool hair and plays the violin!
There was another lady across from us. I feel bad that I never got her name. I liked her style!
There was this one lady- Ludmilla -who spent most of the time talking to Dyzil. I bet that she and Ima would be best friends and talk about elder gods and science experiments all day!
Also, there was Ana-something. She seemed pretty introverted, but maybe she was just annoyed that Irvine was flirting with her. He had no idea what he was doing.

So, like, for the MOST PART I had a fun time, but there was this one point when Dyzil was all talking about how he wanted to kill Victor, and Strahd was like- and COUNTESS Strahd was like, "Oh, I'll do that for you if you bring me this guy called RUDOLF VAN RICHTEN. Because he murdered, like, a BUNCH of Vistani people."

I don't think I wrote about it, but Rictavio was telling a story one time about Van Richten... and, I mean, they're both Ric- people... I think Dyzil connected the dots too.

I really hope there's some misunderstanding here. I bet there will be. I don't know.

No, yeah. If Stra- Countess Strahd can be nice, then there's definitely room in the world for other stuff to be not as bad as it seems!

I'm gonna go explore and stuff with Dyzil!


P.S.: Irvive and Countess Strahd keep saying things about me, like, I'm "childish" and "naive." A little bit of me is annoyed about it. I mean... I'm an adult and I've been through a lot. Why do they think they can just say that to my face? I don't know. I shouldn't be upset. It's way better to be naive and childish to people than to have them think I'm mean and scary, right?

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