Day 4

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Dear Diary,

I know you're probably getting tired of hearing this by now, but: WOW, today was a lot!

So, first of all, we had breakfast at the inn. We're friends with the innkeeper (Danika) now, I think!

After that, we went out to a lake because Dyzil and Yipsin wanted to wash off so that they didn't smell like smoke anymore. BUT THEN, when we got there to the lake, this guy who does some crazy stuff we got warned about (Bluto) was trying to sacrifice this girl he kidnapped(Arabelle) to a monster in the lake because he thought it would be good luck, or something!

OBVIOUSLY, we stopped him! Dyzil got really mad, then, and cut one of his arms off, which was really gross, but, then, like, this GIGANTIC monster squid pulled Bluto into the lake, and it probably ATE him! Then, it threw Dyzil ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE SHORE, and we had to get OUT of there!!

So, then, Arabelle told us how to get to to her house (which was in a Vistani camp because she's Vistani) and everybody there was really happy that we saved her, so they decided that we got to pick a gift because of it!

I don't really remember EVERYTHING we could've got, but there was a jewlery box that probably had shiny things in it, a cool rug, and a nice throne that had some king history. ANYWAY, we decided to go to the library to look up that throne's history before making any decisions.

But, BEFORE THAt. Actually, way before that. Even before breakfast, this guy with a really cool monster arm told us that the baron wanted to talk to us at noon, and it was pretty much noon at this point, so we had to go there before the library!

FIRST, I went and told Ricatavio and Danika about what happened with the squid (but NOT with Arabelle because Dyzil thought they wouldn't like Vistani), and then we went over to the baron's house!

He had a bunch of stuff he wanted us to do with, like... this lady who his son was engaged to her daughter, but then they broke up for some reason that he doesn't know, and he wants us to find out what happened with that. Also, there's some people that worked for him that went missing, and he thinks that's her fault for... some reason? Anyway, I hope we can figure out what happened between his son and her daughter so we can help to make it better, and then probably get invited to the wedding! I think that'll be fun.

But, we're not gonna do all that investigating today because there was this guy that was following us around. I wasn't scared of him, but he made Dyzil nervous, so we're definitely gonna stay out of town for the night in the Vistani camp!

OH, but before we got followed and left Valaki and stuff, we went to the library and met this cool guy (Emeric) who showed us his secret room of magic books! Something Dyzil read in there made him really want the king chair, so we went and got that!

So, we went and got the chair and set up camp and ate some lunch, and then when Dyzil sat in the chair, he said it made it so this guy we read about called Zantras could TALK in his HEAD. Which... I don't know. It's cool but weird, I think.

Then... we went back to the camp and ate dinner and I talked to Luvash about the rug and how Dyzil said it was magic, and I offered to use my Identify spell on it, so we went to do that, and then BAM.

When I cast the spell on the rug, I got teleported or sent a vision or something where I was in the DESERT. and there was a FLOATING GUY.

So, we don't know what that meant, and we're gonna talk to Emeric about it tomorrow.

Wooow we have a lot to do tomorrow!


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