Day 7

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Dear Diary,

So. Uh.

[The next few lines are just a bunch of random scribbles before the words continue.]

Azazel might be dead? But, he's not. I know he's not.

We were looking for some magic bones to protect the town with, and the search lead us to this place where there was this guy called Henrik who probably stole the bones and had them somewhere, but he's definitely dead now. Uh.

He's dead because there were vampire spawn in his walls. They came out and attacked us all, and they attacked Azazel.

I mean, I saw him pass out and then get bit in the throat. It looked really bad. It looked really bad, so I ran away. I guess I regret that.

I was sure he was dead, but then after the vampires were gone and Dyzil and I went back up, Azazel's body was gone.

He's gotta be fine somwhere, right? Vampire spawn are probably, like... lower-type vampires than dhamphir, right? They shouldn't have been able to kill him.

Yeah. There's nothing to feel bad about it. He's somewhere, and we'll save him.

Probably. Maybe. I think so.


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