Day 17

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Dear Diary, 

So, I don't wanna say that today was a *bad* day, but it had some tough stuff. The awesome stuff happened before that, though, so I'll write about that first!

So, we were all going back to the Druid place, but all that we found was this CRAZY giant monster made of the four different elements! It was headed for the winery, probably to smasherize it, and stuff, but I did a spell called Dispel Magic that busted it all apart into four little guys that were way easier to fight! Or, it was easier once Dyzil gave me this AWESOME MAGIC HAMMER that he found in the mine where the people-eating dude was. So, we all won that fight!

After that, we kind of decided not to bother with the Druids. They probably all got squished by the jumbo elemental, and even if they didn't, they probably wouldn't like that we ruined their winery-squashing plan. 

I sure hope that Fidelma is okay...

Also, I guess that Dorina might be a lost cause now, since we don't have any ideas for her...

We did see Anastreya, though! She's the vampire that Irvine really liked back at the castle. She totally scared us at first, haha. We were out in the woods, and we thought that she was a monster or a stalker or something. We got ready for another fight, and she wound up kicking the crud out of Dyzil. It was nice to see her again, I guess. Varger was so nice! He didn't even call her a walking corpse! I do wish I remembered to give her some of my shiny jewels I found to bring to Volenta, though. She was gone before I thought of it. 

And, after this, it was pretty much bummer time. 

Well, not IMMEDIATELY after this. We met this really nice guy called Luca first. He was super sweet, and he loves his sheep. Though, I guess it was bummer time already, after all, because he was sad about how his sheep were disappearing and getting eaten by something. We made a promise to guard his sheep for the night, and that's when the real bummer time began.

Er- First, we went back in Strahd's diary and saw her do some kind of ouchie magic where she stabbed herself, but that was just weird and not a bummer. A guy had a cool necklace back then.

Anyway, bummer time...

We found out the sheep were getting taken by this little kid. The mayor's son, Illya. Apparently, he died a few weeks ago. Like, in-the-ground died. But, then there was this man called the Abbott who brought him back to life, but I guess there was something that went wrong. Illya showed us inside his mouth, and he had all these crazy teeth growing on from every surface. He said he was super hungry all of the time. Food wasn't enough. He had to eat the sheep. 

We told his father about what happened, and we're going to go see the Abbott after we take a rest. I'm worried that there might not be any hope for him, either...

[[the page has a couple of teardrop marks here]]

Sorry. I hate that the "best" option here is leaving two parents without their son and sending him back into what sounded like it was a really scary afterlife. Dyzil and Varger are probably right, though. If Illya stays alive, and he runs out of sheep, how many more families are going to wind up losing their kids because his hunger got to be too much?

I'm tired.



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