Day 2

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Dear Diary,

Today has been... a day for sure. To be honest, it feels like it's been 114 days. I'm not even sure if it's over yet.

This morning, I decided first thing that this was going to be a good day. I don't think it has been.

That's not to say there weren't good parts of it. I made pancakes this morning, and that was good. We found Lancelot all alone (he's a puppy) and I gave him some pie to help him feel better. I'm glad we did that. Also, there was a part where we all sang sea shanties. That was fun.

But, other than that... I'm pretty sure I can chalk this up to being the worst day of my life.

After pancakes, Ismark asked us to help him out with a mystery of a missing guy, so we went to the guy's house, and my whole "good day" plan got dashed as soon as we found the bag made of human skin.

I can remember how freaked out I was at the time, and yeah it's still pretty freaky, but I'm not sure if it even makes the top five worst things I've seen in the past fourty-eight hours anymore.

That's because, with that bag, there was an invitation to a house outside of town, and the date on the invitation looked all different for whoever saw it, and it was all just so weird, so we went to the house to find out what the deal was.

When we got to the house, there were these kids telling us that a monster was inside and they needed help, so Dyzil and Yipsin went in, and then the WHOLE WORLD (even the kids) disappeared into mist, except for the house, so I had to go inside the house.

We found Lancelot inside, but that's pretty much the only good thing we found.

There was this living armor we had to fight, and Yipsin kept detecting evil, and we keep hearing weird noises. There's this key I found that might help us out somehow, but I don't know.

Also, there's dead bodies in here. So many bodies. And ghosts.

Apparently, the woman who used to live in the house, Elizabeth Durst, was an evil cultist. She killed her family. She killed her kids.

We saw their ghosts and we offered to take them down to the family crypt to that their souls can rest.

Dyzil keeps talking about all the bad things he wants to do to Mrs. Durst if we ever find her. I don't like killing and torture, but I don't know... I used to be so sure that nobody deserved it.

Anyway, we're down underneath the house now where the crypts are. There's a whole mess of tunnels. We've already fought two ghouls down here, and Dyzil found this snake thing, but it seems to really like him.

We're in a room that we're pretty sure is safe to rest in, and it had some neat stuff in chests. Still, I'm ninety-nine percent sure that wherever the heck Garm went off to last night is better than this.

Trying very hard not to give misery too much of my time,


PS: The drawing on the last page is the best map of the tunnels I could do. 

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