Day 11

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We helped out a bunch of people today!

I dunno if I ever said this or not, but Danika was always really, really worried because all the wine orders stopped coming, so we went today and checked the Winery out! It had all these crazy plant-monster things running around, and it was because of a Druid! We fought her, and it was crazy! She was summoning weird bugs and stuff all over the place!

Then, Dyzil went and talked to her, and we all became friends!!! Her name is Fidelma, and she was taking over the place because she thought they had her people's magic Druid scroll, but they didn't! So, we calmed her down, and she went home.

She was super cool, though. I hope we get to hang out with her again.

Now, we're all hanging out in the Winery's stable. Me and Yipsin braided the horses' manes. :)


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