Day 10

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Dear Diary,

I am really happy right now!!

Last night after dinner, I found that cool goth vampire again, and we started talking about stuff!! Her name is Volenta! She likes me!! We kissed and stuff!!!

Volenta is amazing! She's so good at looking for the things that make her happy, even if it's just a rock, or something, and that's awesome! You know? I so wanna go adventuring someplace with her, because I can already tell that she's, like... totally in love with all the little things that just make the world *sparkle*, and just... YES. ...And, plus, I'm so impressed that she manages to look so pretty with ber makeup and everything?? I mean... she's a vampire. She can't even use mirrors. How does she do it??

I DEFINITELY wanna go back and see her again soon! I totally would've stayed at Ravenloft way longer if we didn't have, like, missions from Countess Strahd to do.

BUT, us leaving exactly when we did wound up being a good thing! Because, along the way, we found Yipsin and then all of us found THE HAG MORGANTHA/Elizabeth Durst.

We fought her and WON!

I mean, we all almost died at least once and Yipsin's new dog, Orion, accidentally tore the arm off a kid Morgantha was holding captive.

BUT IT'S FINE NOW. The kid's name was, like, Denominator, or something, and he put his arms back on and teleported away. Dyzila and Yipsin said he was a god, I think.

So, Morgantha is definitely deady dead dead, and there's no more kids being made into pies in Barovia anymore!

...At least I sure HOPE SO.


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