Letters Given to Arahja

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Dear Mom and Dad,

I am so, SO sorry, but this is probably the last letter you're gonna get from me for a while. Things have gotten kind of... busy lately.

I'm kind of trapped in a land called Barovia by a bunch of evil fog? So... I'm sorry to say that it's gonna be a while before I'm able to get home.

I hope it's not TOO long, though! I think that my new friends and I are gonna figure out how to get the fog to go away. We ARE a little busy with helping out lady get to a town, and then there's a windmill that we should probably check out, but then I PROMISE we're REALLY gonna focus on getting out.

I love you guys, and I hope I see you soon.

Please don't worry about me too much,



Dear Ima,

I'm sure that Mom and Dad told you about where I am right now, and I bet you think I'm pretty stupid. You probably know ALL ABOUT Barovias and exactly what I did to get caught in it.

Yeah, I really wish that you were here right now, because I love you and you're the smartest person I know, and you could totally help us out with all this stuff, but also I'm glad you're not here because, honestly, this place kinda sucks.

Still, we ARE working on getting out of here, and I just can't wait to get back to Chult.

Pet Cece for me, and tell all our friends at The Sparkling Spirit that I'll be back onstage and ready to see them all the DAY I get home!



Dear Horn of Deer,

So... It's gonna be a little while before we see each other again. I'm in a place called Barovia, and it looks like I'm pretty much stuck here for the moment.

So, like, it's not the BEST place I've ever been. Everyone is sad, and there aren't any dinosaurs, but I AM with some new friends who I think you would like!

There's Dyzil, who knows wizard magic and has this weird bat that he can talk to in his head, Garm, who ACTUALLY rivals you with how much he likes to be in the woods, Lancelot, a cute puppy who really wants to find his owner, and Yipsin, who really likes love and smiling and sometimes hitting things with a big axe!

So, yeah, there's bad stuff, but also SO MUCH that I can't wait to talk to you about!

I hope your druid training is going well. I still love you,


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