Day 14

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Dear Diary, 

Today was... Today. 

Dyzil really super wanted to go hang out with the Druids today. He wouldn't tell us why, but we asked the Vistani where they were and went, anyway. They were kinda scary, and Varger didn't like them, but that describes pretty much everybody we've met in Barovia, so I was like whatever. 

Then, Dyzil revealed that the reason he wanted to see the Druids was that they know spells that can bring back dead people, and Dorina apparently died because of the Bone Devil at the festival. I don't actually know if I've mentioned Dorina. I only met her a couple times, but she was this really sweet, cool blacksmithing lady from Vallaki that Dyzil went on a maybe-date with before the Everything happened. 

Anyway, though, Varger got threatened and killed the Druids we were talking to, so we got out of there, and we're gonna come back in a few days so the dead Druids don't get connected to us. 

...that sounds so bad now that I'm looking at it.

I mean... if we were honest with the remaining Druids, they would just kill us, and that wouldn't help Dorina or anyone at all! We're doing it for the right reasons. 

Is that what all bad guys say?

No, no. We're not bad guys. I know this. Varger just needs to take a serious chill pill. There's a spell that I could learn for that, right? Or, maybe there's a spa somewhere that we could go to?

IDK. I'll figure it out. 

Also, we saw a cool lady with a biiiiiig sword on the way back from the Druid mess. We'll see what that's about, I guess...

That Rhymed, 


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