Day 30

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Dear Diary, 

Sorry, I haven't been writing! My fingers have been wayy too cold, haha. That's because we've been up exploring the mountains in temples! There's been no sign of Van Richten or anybody who likes him, but we've found shiny and spooky things, and Varger's been pretty cool to hang out with. :)

Today, we all went into this crazy place called the Amber Temple. A lot of it was really cool and shiny, but I bet it was way more awesome in the past. A lot of it today is all smashed up and full of monsters who tried to kill us. :( 

ALSO, it tricked me into thinking there was a bunch of tasty food in this one room, but it was all an illusion. Pretty mean prank if you ask me. :/

We did find Victor here. (He's that one kid who's the Baron of Vallaki's son and who stole Dyzil's spellbook.) He was part skeleton now. I always thought that was messed up, but he seemed okay. 

Unfortunately, I was the right one because Victor transformed into this crazy creature that Varger says is called a Nightwalker, and it immediately knocked me out. Varger saved me with his time-stopping powers and magic, but we split up from Dyzil! He was gone, and the monster was after us, so there was only one thing left to do...

I turned the Victor-creature into a kitten, and this skeleton-buddy Dyzil found helped make it permanent!

He was pretty cute, but, unfortunately, he was still super dangerous if the polymorph somehow got dispelled, so Varger had to freeze him solid. 

However, it's not all doom and gloom! We helped a guy get free of a curse he had on him, and we found a magical glowy sword in the head of a statue! That's neat. :)

Grockle and the Curse of StrahdOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz