Day 8 pt. 2

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Dear Diary,

Euuuuuugh. Today was going REALLY well, okay?

We did a performance at the festival, and it was AWESOME! People in Valaki seemed, like, actually happy for once!

...Then, when we were done, Dyzil challenged Izek to a duel onstage, and Izek almost KILLED him. It was terrible! Dyzil passed out, and he had all these burns, and I had to run up and save him!

There was a bounty hunter named Irvine who helped us escape by shooting Izek's arm with this little "pepperbox" machine that he's got, and he went with us.

All three of us got out of the festival area right when Lady Wachter showed up and everything went to chaos. I healed Dyzil.

I thought this might be it. I thought Dyzil might learn that he can't just DO stuff like this, but no. He thinks that everything's fine!

I'm mad at him. I'm scared that one of these days he's gonna get stuck in a situation that the rest of us can't help him out of.  Doesn't he understand that people care about him?

I... Ugh. At this point, we realized we forgot Lucien back at the festival.

We ran back to all the chaos, and we found that Rictavio was protecting Lucien and all the other orphans.

We took them all back to the safety of the orphanage. I think they're all okay, but Ms. Belasco, the lady whose in charge of them, hasn't made it back yet.

Also, Dyzil noticed that Rictavio was using Illusion magic. We talked to him about it, and he says that he's hiding his real appearance because people are afraid of what he really looks like and it got him chased out of towns.

I hope he knows we'd like him, no matter what he looks like. He's still a fun, talented guy who always does the right thing, no matter what he looks like.

I don't know any Illusion magic. If I did, I don't know if I would make myself look like a human or a half-elf or something else that's normal. I love being myself, I really do. I like the way I look. I do get sick of it sometimes, though. I get sick of always needing to prove to people that I'm not some monster whose gonna burn down their houses. It might be easier to hide. I don't know. I bet it would make things worse if people who didn't know did find out I'm a Dragonborn.

I don't know. Dyzil just left. He's using all the chaos as a distraction to try and get his spellbook back from Victor's house. That'll be good if he gets that. Another good thing today is that we met Irvine. He's cool and nice.

I should probably go check on all the kids.


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