Unsent Letter to Strahd

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Dear Mr. Count Strahd Von Zatobitch,

Hi! My name is Grockle, and I've been here in Barovia for a week now. It really hasn't been all that bad! Sure, there's been a lot of sad stuff that I saw, but I've also already made some of my best friends ever, and I'll totally wanna come back and visit all the time!

But, the problem is, I promised my family in Chult that I'd be home in time for the Harvest of the Moon Festival. That's on the 30th of Uktar. It's the 26th right now. So.

Why is the mist Like That? I'm sure that everyone would like it if it wasn't Like That. I hope that if you have a minute or two out of your crazy busy Count schedule, you could write me back and tell me why the mist is Like That so that I can help to try and fix it!


Your buddy,

G. Bob

P.S.: Thank you for the bag of holding! Dyzil put a whole chair in it!

P.P.S.: How come there's a kraken in the pond?

Grockle and the Curse of StrahdWhere stories live. Discover now