Day 3 Part 2

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Dear Diary,

Well. Today was a lot again. Not as bad as yesterday! But, still. A lot.

We left to get Ireena and Ismark to Valaki, and on the way we saw some Vistani. They said we couldn't leave Barovia, but they were nice! I hope that we find them again someday.

What happened after that was... not so nice.

I was kinda hoping we would never have to deal with the Dursts again. Or, at least I hoped it would be a while before we did.

We went to a windmill where this lady we met in the village lived. We KINDA thought she might be Elizabeth Durst going in, but I wasn't so sure.

Then, it did turn out to be her, and also she's a night hag now.

I tried to talk to her, but... the things she said about the children. How little she cared about what she did to them.

I wanted to kill her. I tried to kill her.

I don't like what that felt like.

What we did WAS good, though! She and the other hags got scared and teleported away in the end, I think, and then we found there was a kid named Lucien they had trapped in a closet!! So, we saved him!

Dyzil set the whole windmill on fire, then, which I undestand. But, then when he saw the fire, he collapsed and started crying. I don't know why. I wish I knew how to help him with stuff like that.

Also, there's this egg I found in the Durst basement. I have it with me, but now I'm kinda starting to think it might be fake or dead. I'm scared to leave it, though, because what if it DOES hatch into something or someone and it's all alone when it does??

I wish I could talk to Dad. He'd probably be able to tell me how he knew my egg was still alive when he found it.

Okay, I'm TRYING to end this on a happy note, because I know I said today wasn't terrible, but eugh.

Well, we DID make it to Valaki. Ireena and Lucien should be safe now, and also I met a nice guy named Rictavio who's in the same randomly-got-stuck-here situation as us.

Maybe I'll explore the town more tomorrow,


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