Preparation & Departure - Ch. 14

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Minho's POV: No harm, my ass. I have this constant headache from all the tests, lights, and wracking my brain of how the hell we could get out of here. A loud blare interrupts my thoughts. "ALL SUBJECTS REPORT TO TESTING CHAMBERS FOR TRANSPORT. PLEASE WAIT UNTIL FURTHER INSTRUCTION." The announcement follows. "Transport day. Do we have a plan of getting out of here? I am hopeful just less." Aris asks.

"I'm sure one of the plans will work. It's just about waiting for the right time. Hold on for a little longer, Aris." I try to comfort him. He gives me a weak smile as our door opens and we head to our testing chamber. There are more people than usual, more guards I should say. "I'm not going to sugar-coat it. We are transporting you two and other subjects to the city so that the remaining amount of The Right Arm don't find you. Though, I do doubt they would come for you at this point. If they do show up here, we'll be taking them in for more test subjects." Teresa informs us.

"I mean, what more can you do other than run away?" I add sarcastically. Some guards shoot me a dirty look before returning to their straight gaze. "Where's Elizabeth?" Aris asks, ignoring me. "She's preparing some serums and solutions from the lab for our patient that we are transporting with us on our train. We cannot take proper care of her here so we decided to bring her to the main city." She answers. A doctor from behind her gives Teresa a tray with a pair of two pills and glasses of water. "Please take these." Motioning towards the tray.

"What are they?" I ask. "It'll make the transport easier. The long ride will worsen your headaches so I requested these pills for the both of you." She explains. Aris and I give each other a confused look before reluctantly taking both pills with the waters. "How'd you know about the headaches?" Aris asks. "The same chips we used to monitor you in the Maze. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some work to attend to. Please wait in your test beds until we are signaled for transport." She smiles. This is new. It's like the tubes but sideways and with beds in them. "You should get some sleep before we get transported. You'll need the energy." I tell Aris.

He nods and we both lie down in the beds. For a minute, everything's fine, I was even comfortable. But then glass quickly slides across the top of my bed, encasing me inside. I look over at Aris and he's just as confused as I am. I try looking around for ways to get out until I spot vents by the foot and head of the tube. Soon, the tube starts filling up with some kind of gas. "ARIS! HOLD YOUR BREATH!" I yell through the glass, trying to warn him. He doesn't even look at me as he's freaking out at all of the gas. I try hard to yell at him before I pass out.

Elizabeth's POV: As I push the button for the gas, I can hear Minho and Aris yelling from the other side of the one-way glass. "Are you sure this is safe? What if this stuff is toxic to them? It could kill them!" I ask Dr. Paige. "Lizzy, it is perfectly fine. I can assure you that they will not die. It's melatonin gas. Melatonin is a sleeping hormone that will make them go into a deep sleep but it is not lethal. If they're asleep, it'll be easier transporting them to the train. No scenes and it'll only last until they are about 30 minutes in on the train tracks. One of the pills Dr. Teresa gave them keeps the hormone acting longer." Dr. Paige explains.

It eases my worries a bit but I still can't believe I'm doing this to my friends. "Is everything ready for our train ride with our patient, Lizzy?" Teresa enters. "Yes, everything is ready to be loaded. Um, how long do we have until we depart?" I ask. "An hour or so. Why do you ask?" She answers. "I want to grab a few things for our the long ride if you don't mind?" I smile. "Oh, not at all. Feel free to. Please be back by 11:00pm. If you are late, we must depart without you." Dr. Paige confirms. I nod and quickly run out.

Dashing through hallways and dodging people as I go. I pass Janson and he seems to be a bit distressed. So, I slow down to a speed walk to try and see where he's going but end up knocking to one of the guards, falling to the ground. "I'm sorry about that." He apologizes, offering his hand. I grab his hand and dust myself off then try running off to get my things again. "Uh- Doctor, before you go, do you happen to know the train leaving? Chief Janson had told the others but I wasn't present." He explains. "In about an hour. I'll be off now." I answer, running.

I eventually reach my room completely out of breath but go straight for the bed. Feeling under the pillow, I find the crossbow and pull out the other supplies from under my bed. I go to work immediately by setting them on the table. Arm strap, ruler, super glue and the crossbow. It takes a while but after 30 minutes or so, I made the crossbow, arm-mounted.

It was small enough to go unnoticed behind my lab coat and some of my long sleeve shirts and hoodies. Finally, where to put the darts and self-injecting syringes? Some syringes were filled with our solutions for The Flare while others were filled with the blood of the cranks. The solutions are all different but two are specifically for the patient we're taking with us. The other solutions are different and might not work with different people.

The blood is only for precautionary measures but I'll do what I have to do for our greater good. I'll keep them in my satchel for now. "TRIPS TO THE LAST CITY LEAVE IN 30 MINUTES. PLEASE ABOARD THE TRAIN." The speakers sound. I quickly grab the satchel and attach the crossbow to my bicep then rush to the train stops. The train stop is in sight and Teresa is waiting outside of the doors, assumingely for me. "Teresa! I'm here!" I shout out waving my hand. She smiles and stands up straighter as my figure comes closer. "You're just in time. We're about to take off. We got everyone ready for loading onto the other train and they'll be following behind us. Dr. Paige said they're gonna wake up in 30 minutes so we should get going."

I nod then she leads me into the train. It had 4 booths that seated 4 people each with a table in the middle with a walkway between them. I take a seat by the window with Teresa across from me. Others, along with Dr. Paige and Janson, are seated in the other booths. The doors close and the speaker announces, "Train doors for The Last City have closed. Next train will arrive in 2 days." Here we go, the long trip to the Last City. "The Right Arm will never find these subjects now." I overhear Janson. I think he may be right about that.

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