I'm Sorry - Ch. 7

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Sonya's POV: The door is closed and I can feel us departing into the air. I look to the side and Minho is un-conscience, next to me. I can feel my eyelids become heavier and heavier as we fly into the air. As I try to stay conscience, I can hear Teresa saying, "It shouldn't have been this way. I tested their blood. Newt isn't immune. I can only assume this one isn't as well.", pointing at me. "Wrong. We tested them when they were kids. She is immune while her brother isn't." The woman said. "Still, you said you would't hurt them. You promised us our safety." Teresa said. How did she think this was gonna go?

WCKD is always going to get what they want, no matter the cost. "I know Teresa it was-" the woman started. "'It wasn't your intention'! I know, Ava. Then get your priorities STRAIGHT! I'm tired of my friends getting hurt! The goal is to find a cure! You killed Mary! You promised us our safety or else,... the deal is off." Teresa cut her off as she sat down in a seat. "Traitor..." I mumbled under my breath. It turns out she heard me because she looked at me and started walking towards me. She kneeled down next to me but, I couldn't hear her. I slipped out of conscience-ness before I could hear her.

I didn't want to hear her.

Wakes up hours later and is the next day

I open my eyes and see I'm in a room with just a bunk bed, which I'm on the top of, a door that has a small window, another door to what I can assume is a bathroom, a wooden table with 2 wooden chairs, a body sized mirror, computer desks, me in new clothes, and 2 pairs of shoes, neither belong to me. Black, high-heeled, ankle boots and professional looking, but comfy looking, black sneakers. The sneakers aren't my size but, the boots are so, who do the sneakers belong to? Someone shuffles below me and I quickly sit up. I peek below me and I see eyes looking back up at me. I pull my head back and hope they didn't see me much and are still in a daze like I was when I woke up. "I saw you FYI. Who are you?" I hear a male voice call out.

I recognize that voice. "Hey, Minho. It's Sonya." I say as I peek back at him. His hair is still perfect?!?! "How the hell did we get here?" He asked, scratching the back of his head. "More like why am I in the same room as you?" I stated. I thought we were supposed to be separated since I'm a girl and he's a guy. He steps on to the floor as I start to climb down from the top bunk.

"Look." He pointed at the sign on the door and we make our way to read it. 'Subjects A5 and B4 - The Leader and The Vixen - HIGH IMPORTANCE'. "The Leader and The Vixen?" Minho asked. "Well, since you're A5 and I'm B4, I guess that's what they nicknamed us." I explained. "Maybe they put us in the same room because we were captured from Thomas's group!" Minho theorized. Just then, a knock came from the door and we backed up. No one opened the door.

Instead, a paper slid from under the door. I picked up the paper and it read, "Both of you need to shower and dress in the clothes we've prepared for you in the washroom. Either one of you can go first. Both subjects must be ready in 30 minutes for a meeting. Gel will be provided for the boy and make-up will be provided for the girl. Gel and make-up are optional." We both looked at each other in confusion and realized we have a time limit. "Ladies first, I guess." Minho told me. I thanked him and made my way to the washroom. I took a ten minute shower and started dry myself and look at the clothes on the sink.

A pair of denim jeans, a plain, black shoulder-less top, a red, leather jacket and a pair of black socks. The other pile of clothes is Minho's so I try not to touch it. I quickly put on the clothes and some red lip gloss. I opened the door to the room and Minho rushes past me to the washroom and tells me, "15 minutes left". I shrug and pick up the black boots I saw earlier. I sit down on one of the chairs so I don't have to kneel. I walk to the body sized mirror and look at myself.

I look like a different person, especially with my hair down. 10 minutes later Minho comes out looking really casual but still professional. Kinda what I would say to describe myself right now. He has on a plain blue shirt with a black leather jacket on and black jeans. "Do I just walk around with socks on?" He asks me. I giggle at his remark and chuck one of his shoes at him. He catches it, surprisingly. "What? I have to wear this? Why are we even doing what these people are telling us?" He asks me.

"Honestly, I don't even know. Do you have a plan for escaping? I mean, we don't even know where we are, Minho. Let alone where we'll have to go to get to the others. Knowing the past of the Right Arm and Vince, they're probably at the Safe Haven already." I explain to him, throwing his other shoe at him as he makes his way to the other chair. "No, there has to be a way. Our friends wouldn't just leave us like that! At least not my friends." He says. I walk back to my seat as we wait for something to happen. In a few minutes, the other door opens and Teresa walks in with a black blazer, black pants with a necklace and a bun. "Sonya, Minho, right this way please." She asks us. We both stand up but we don't move. "Where are we, Teresa?" I ask harshly.

"You're safe." She answers. "Now, we have to meet with Chancellor Paige and Director Janson." She says, motioning us towards the door. We still don't move. "Is everything alright, doctor?" a soldier says coming inside. "The Chancellor and Director are expecting us." He adds. "Tell the Chancellor that we'll be there in a few minutes. You can leave us now, Smith." Teresa responds. "Doctor, it is not wise to be alone with the subjects." He says.

I grit my teeth at the word subjects. We aren't objects we are living, breathing humans! "I said, I'm fine, Smith. Go inform the Chancellor of our delay." She says calmly. He turns his head at us, nods at Teresa and leaves. She closes the door behind her and starts walking towards us. "Don't come near us, you traitor." Minho says. She stops in her tracks and seems a little hurt.

"I know what I did might've seemed traitorous but, you don't understand. We could find a cure to end this pandemic!" She reasons. "IT STILL DOESN'T CHANGE WHAT YOU DID TO US! OUR FREEDOM WAS STRIPPED FROM US!" I yell at her. She seems more hurt. I know it was all just an act to make us drop our our guard and think that she's our friend. "You lied to all of us! You lied to Thomas." Minho added. "Please. We have an offer for the both of you. I promised our safety here." She said quietly. I looked at Minho and he looked at me and we make our way to the door where 2 guards waited for us

As we left, I could hear her say, "I'm sorry." and she followed us shortly after.

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