Betraying Those Who Are Gone- Ch. 10

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Sonya's POV: Minho and I finish up our lunch at the buffet and I'm kind of glad. He's a sloppy eater. And very loud. Some people were staring and all I could do is try to hide my face and kick him under the table. We show our ID's and leave into the visiting center again. "You two, again?" He asks us. "Yeah, yeah just tell us where Aris is." Minho says to him.

"Sorry, but you're buddy is still testing. Come back in an hour or so please." We scowled at him and made our way to the doors. There are small designated areas for food and labs, all still inside the gigantic, square building. What stands out the most are the multiple people with masks on and keeping their distance. "What's the deal? I thought the Flare stayed outside of WCKD?" Minho asked. "Well, in our recent studies, we've discovered that the Flare is airborne. The virus has evolved. More people are being banned from the facilities and city." We turn around and it's Teresa. "Let me guess, come here to follow us?" Minho asked. It was obvious he still holds a grudge against Teresa.

We all do. "No, I went out to buy my patient her favorite snack, strawberry mochi. Though she is on the road to being cured, it's still possible that she can give into the virus." Teresa explained. "Can you just tell us how far we are from the others?" I asked her. It was a long shot but if you never ask, you never know. She looked at us for a minute before saying, "I'm sorry. There are no others." We looked at her in disbelief. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'NO OTHERS'!" I shouted.

I didn't care if people looked at me. "WCKD killed all of them before they could escape. I would've stopped them but I was on the aircraft and Janson took matters into his own hands. Thomas and everyone are gone." She explained, avoiding eye-contact. Minho stepped back and fell on to his knees. It was so unlike him. I could feel my fingernails digging into my palm. I didn't even know I was making a fist. Before I knew it, I was being held back by Minho, screaming.

"YOU BITCH! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HIM! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU! YOU TRAITOR! YOU KILLED THEM ALL!" I screamed. She looked at me and I could see the guilt in her eyes. Minho grabbed me by the shoulders so I could face him. "SONYA! Please... You can't do anything about it. They're all gone. Thomas, Newt, Harriet, Frypan, Miyoko, everyone! They're gone." He shouted at me. Right there, I just, collapsed to the ground tears streaming down my face but I wasn't screaming or wailing. I was just silent on my knees with tears on my face. "Hey, we can go back to the room and cool down. I'll scout the area by myself. Just take a minute, alright?" Minho said, kneeling down to make eye contact with me. I nodded numbly as he picked me up to my feet and walked me to the doors.

Teresa was asked something by the guard and shook her head "no". Then, she went on with her day. I just looked ahead. No life in my eyes. Just a shell. Minho finally shed some tears. Though they were sudden, he stayed strong.

People around us would say "I'm sorry for your loss." or "The virus is the worst thing to happen to a family." They were assuming we lost someone to the Flare. No, WCKD did this to us. The door beeped open and we were back in our room. "Stay here and wait for me. I'll be back in 50 minutes so we can visit Aris. You gonna be alright?" He asks. I just nod and look my hands. "Be back soon." I manage to say as he walks out the door.

Then it shuts and it's just me and the silence of the room.

a few minutes later

I can't take this. I stopped crying but I haven't been able to rest. I've been pacing around the room just waiting for Minho to come through that door. I look at my watch and only 6 minutes have passed. I finally build up the courage to go out of the room. It's kind of a different feeling being alone in these halls. I'm so used to being with someone so it's never been this quiet.

I'm just wandering around until I see the doors to outside of the main building. I decide to go out and try familiarize myself with the outer parts. There are signs so I go to the shopping center. I pick up a very bouncy, light, cat that I heard a little girl call them "plushies". So I decided to get the one I was holding and a blue dinosaur for Minho since he wasn't here with me. I wander in to the sweets part of the city and see a little mochi shop. I remember Teresa saying the girl liked strawberry mochi so I decided to try one.

It was delicious. The outside was soft and the inside was cold and creamy. And everything tasted so strawberry-y.The man there said the inside of it was strawberry "ice cream" and the outside was "rice cake".  I bought 3 more and asked to get them in an ice pack so they can stay cool for longer. 1 for Minho, 1 for Aris and,... 1 for the girl. I paid and was about to make my way out when I bumped into Teresa.

Of course, she would be here. "Hey." I said awkwardly. She just smiled and said, "No need for awkwardness. I get that you were mad and I just wish I would've done something about it. I know you will never forgive me but-" I cut her off there. "I forgive you..." I say. "But I thought-" I cut her off again.

"It wasn't your fault Teresa. It was Janson's. If I'm mad at anyone, it's him, not you." I assure her. She gave me a quick hug before asking me why I was here and not in my room or with Minho. "Minho doesn't know I'm out. He can't know. The truth is, I'm considering working for WCKD. I also bought mochi for the girl, Aris and Minho." I told her. " That's fantastic! I'll be looking forward to working with you soon. I'm heading to her right now, do you want to come?" She asked me. I nodded and we made our way to the testing room.

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