That's Us - Ch. 4

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Newt's POV:

I head to my tent that I share with Minho. "I've been thinking," Minho says, breaking the silence as we change into our new clothes. "You saw how Teresa glared at Mary and Thomas, right?" He questions. "Yeah. it looked as if she knew." I answered. "Do you think... maybe she has her memories?" I ask him. "Maybe. But, from the look she gave Mary and Thomas, I can't bloody trust her. If she does have her memories, she might know something important and hide it from us." I tell him. "We're worrying too much. Even if she's hiding something from us, it wouldn't be important. We're leaving for the Safe Haven tomorrow morning. She can't get to WCKD and we'll be safe." He assures me.

I finish putting on my gloves and ask him, "How do I look?". He looks at me as he's finishing up and says, "Not bad. Comparing you to me, your about 6/10." He jokes. Minho walks out with me and asks, "I wonder if that Miyoko chick is my sister." I roll my eyes at him. There is a slight possibility but I doubt it. "I can assure you, you aren't." A voice says from afar. A girl with black hair and black, piercing eyes approaches us.

She's wearing a colorful scarf, black denim jacket covering her white, long-sleeve shirt, and blue denim jeans. I see something glint in the sunlight from her ears. A silver stud is embedded at the bottom of her ear, the same on the other side. "You must be Newt." She says to me. "How do you know that?" I ask her. "You look quite similar to the picture Sonya has. Who's this?" She nods her head at Minho. "This is Minho. Your equivalent. We're apart of Group A." I tell her.

"You're the guys who caused all the commotion with the crank?" She asked. Minho nodded shyly. It was so unlike him. She stuck out her hand and said, "Name's Miyoko. I was the keeper of runners for Group B. What were your jobs in the maze?" She asked. First Minho shook it and said, "Well, I was also the keeper of runners, for Group A." then, she point her hand at me. I shook it and said, "I was the second-in-command." She nodded. "Makes sense. I figured Sonya's brother had to be her equivalent."

"I see you've met Miyoko!" Sonya shouted, walking towards us. She put her arm on Miyoko's shoulder and steadied herself. "It was about time you guys knew about the equivalents." Miyoko stated. "What? Like you knew the entire time?" Sonya answered. "Not the entire time. Just when I saw Minho and his friends arrive at the WCKD compound. It was when we were escaping with the Right Arm. We'd already known about Group A." She explained. "Sonya, you used to be a runner until you tried saving someone from being banished. Then, you were second-in-command. Second-in-commands weren't a thing until Harriet made it a thing. What is Newt's excuse?" She asks Sonya. I look at Minho and give him a look saying, just stick to what we've been saying.

"Attacked by a griever when the doors were about to close and it hit his leg. I had to carry this shank into the glade. That's why he has a limp." Minho answered. "He has a limp?" She responded. She looked down at my legs and said, "I don't see anything weird. Maybe I'll see it when we move to the Safe Haven." She teased. "Can I borrow Newt? He wants to see evidence that we're related." She asks, trying to change the subject to what she really came over here for. "Alone?" Minho and Miyoko said, simultaneously. They looked at each other weird before looking back at us.

Sonya and I just laughed at the coincidence. "What the bloody hell was that?" I say in between laughs. "I just think that you shouldn't go alone. We don't know a lot about them." Miyoko says to Sonya. "Same here." Minho agrees. "Fine. You guys can come with us." Sonya tells them. We walk towards her tent and it looks neat and clean. Not much is around. Just a table, some chairs, and a few backpacks.

Probably packed up everything so they could be ready for tomorrow. She digs through the desk as we take our spot in the chairs. She pulls out a red, leather cover book. She flips a few pages before taking out a piece of paper. Everyone gathers around the photo. It's me and Sonya in the picture but cleaner and more fancy. "Well, look who's ready for a party!" Minho teases.

I'm wearing a plaid button-up shirt and a black blazer. You can't see what Sonya is wearing but her hair is down. We're hugging in the picture(The picture up top). "And if you turn it over..." She says. There's handwriting. it says,

"Always is a promise. -Newt & Sonya"

"You weren't lying. You are my little sister." I say. My mouth is hanging open and I'm speechless. It was quiet for a few seconds before Sonya stood up. "Yeah, that's us alright. But, I need answers. Like, 'Where is your first-in-command?' and 'Why is Thomas alive if Rachel isn't?'. It just doesn't make sense." Sonya asks. Miyoko walks from her chair, next to Sonya. "What do you remember from before the maze." Miyoko adds. At first, we feel intimidated but, then ease up.

"To answer your first question," Minho says, "our first-in-command's name, is Alby. And he was saving our friend, Chuck's life. He attacked the griever that was trying to sting Chuck by slashing at it's arm until it broke off." Miyoko interrupted him. "Harriet did the same thing to save Annie but, she survived." She explained. "Well, we only had equivalents. I don't think WCKD can control our decisions (based on the facts of the movie)." Minho answers. "Your second question was, 'How Thomas is alive and not Rachel', right?" I ask. They nod their head. "Well, Chuck was a good friend of Thomas. And this is pertinent to the story. When Gally, who I'm assuming is Beth's equivalent, was stung, he tried shooting Thomas, but I threw a spear into his chest before he could pull the trigger or so I thought." Minho replied.

"I did the same to Beth. And she was stung, too." Miyoko pointed out. "Then this Thomas guy, he didn't die? How?" She asked us. "Like he said, Chuck was a good friend of Tommy. He pushed Thomas behind himself and sacrificed his life. When he died, he gave Thomas a wooden carving that was sent up in the box with the little lad." I finally finish my explanation when Frypan peeks into the tent. "Hey, I just talked to Thomas. He wants us to go to that hill over there when he's done in the tent. Let's let Sonya and... her to catch up with Aris." Fry asks. I look at Sonya and nod while I make my way to the hill with Fry and Minho.

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