The Equivalents - Ch. 2

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Sonya's POV:

"Back it up, Joel!" I shout down the tunnel. The truck moves and reveals our cars and people. "We're taking them to base." Harriet says to the people in front of the cars. "Wait, so, how did you guys get here?" Aris asks. "The Right Arm got us out." Harriet answers. "Wait, wait. The Right Arm, do you know where they are?" The boy asks Harriet. "Hop in." She says.

We load them into separate cars since it their group was big. I asked to ride in the car with Newt and Minho so I could answer some of their questions. Once we were off, the questions started coming. "What did you mean by evidence?" Newt asked. "I was sent in the box, just like everyone else. I sprinted as fast as I could until I froze in place and saw the Glade. That's how I got my job as a runner and then second-in-command. Harriet was our leader. The night I came into the box, I was talking to Harriet when she pointed out something my pocket. It was a picture of me and you. I kept it knowing I would find you with the help of the photo. I wanted to find someone from my family since everyone's mind were erased. Someone I could trust and maybe get answers. Did you get sent up with anything?" I asked as I turned to look at him. He shook his head. I turned back and sighed.

No wonder he didn't recognize me. "Can I ask you something?" Minho chimed in. I turned to look back at him and nodded my head. "Did someone die from sacrificing their life to save another one of your group? When you escaped?" Newt looked at him with a look of surprise. I was in pure shock. It took me a few seconds before answering.

"Someone did die at the exit. It was the person who lead us to the exit, Rachel. She came in the day before Aris. We knew something was up. She was among the first people who survived a night in the maze, along with Miyoko, our keeper of the runners. They carried Harriet from the maze because she was stung by a griever. She revealed later-" I was cut off by Newt's voice. He said, "She worked for WCKD didn't she. And Aris was right beside her." Newt was in a daze. "Your saying that this 'Rachel' girl was our Thomas?" Minho asked. Newt nodded. "But, Thomas is still alive!" Minho explained.

"Rachel didn't have anyone protecting her. Chuck took the fall for him. Thomas was supposed to die." He paused before saying more. "Sonya, this Rachel girl, did she die from a gunshot?" He asked me. "Yeah. Beth was stung and said that we all belonged to the maze. We thought Rachel was okay because Miyoko had thrown a spear through her chest. But, she fell to the floor with blood pooling into her shirt." I answered. I shiver at the memory of Rachel bleeding to death telling us she could only make it thus far.

"Go with them, you'll be safe. And remember, WCKD is bad." And with that her last breath was echoing in our heads as men in black, armored suits pulled us out and into a helicopter.

It seems like we had equivalents when we were in the maze.

Group B : Group A

Sonya : Newt

Harriet : Alby

Rachel : Thomas

Beth : Gally

Miyoko : Minho

Aris : Teresa

"Where is Miyoko?" Minho asked since that was his equivalent. "She's probably back at base." I answered. "What do you mean 'probably'?" Newt asked worriedly. "Relax, she always likes to roam around the mountains. If you don't see her at base, you can assume she's hiking. She was our best runner." I pointed out. We talked a little more since the car drive was long. Our conversations were mostly about who the equivalents were and what the names of our group were. Our car parked and everyone gazed in awe at the sight of our camp. "They've been planning this for over a year now." Harriet says as she exits the car. We lead the group down the trail and she looks back to say, "This is all for us."

"You guys are lucky you found us when you did." I pointed out. I see Newt hang back from the group as he walks with Aris. "We're moving out at first light." I add. I had almost given up on finding my brother. It was pure chance that I'd found him the day before moving to the Safe Haven. Though there was little hope, it was still hope I'd latched onto for the last 3 years of my life. I'm glad I didn't give up.

I spot one of our crew and ask "Where's Vince?". "Somewhere over there, I think." He responds as he waves to our right. "Who's Vince?" A voice from behind me asks. I turn around to see that Thomas asked the question. "He's the one who decides if you get to stay." Harriet answered. "I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army." Minho says towards Harriet. "Yeah, we were." A western voice calls out.

Vince walks out of his tent and reveals himself to the group. "This is all that's left of us." He said with his arms spread out referring to the people around us. "Lotta' good people died getting us this far." He added. He put his hands on his hips and scanned the group. "Who're they?" he asks Harriet, pointing his head toward the group. "They're immunes. Caught 'em coming up the mountain." She responds. I can hear heavy breathing from behind me.

Something's wrong. I try to shake the feeling but my instincts tell me to look at the group a little closer. "Did you check em'?" Vince asks. "I know this guy, Aris. I trust him." She says, pointing at Aris. We both walk next to Vince to get a good look at the group. "Well, I don't." Vince tells us. "Check em'." He includes.

"Hey, boss." A guy points out one of the crowd. One of the girls I spotted. I was told during the car ride her name is Brenda. She falls to the ground sucking in huge gulps of air. "Brenda! Brenda." The old man, who's name is Jorge, calls out to her. He picks her up from the ground and rests her head on his lap. Her breathing gets quicker and she looks sick.

It finally clicks to me. That's what was wrong. She wasn't immune.

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