Work for WCKD - Ch. 8

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Minho's POV: We're lead to a hallway with just a door and it seems to be taking forever. I look at my reflection in things we're passing by and it looks like I'm going to work. Gross. The door opens and a grand room is inside with Janson and Ava Paige. The door closes behind us and the two guards stay at the door. "Ah, Sonya, Minho. What a pleasure it is to see you both in pristine condition." Ava says. "Cut the crap. What do you want from us?" I say.

"We want you two to cooperate with us. You two will work for WCKD and live within the walls of The Last City." He says. "Are you crazy? After what you've done to us? After you've tortured our friends as 'tests'?" Sonya shouts. "We understand that you all have gone through some hardships." Ava says. "'Hardships'? That's an understatement. Our friends died!" I explain. "I know. It was hard for us as well to see such important subjects pass." Janson reasons. "Stop calling us subjects!" Sonya screams.

Ava and Janson are startled at her sudden outburst. "I'm sorry. People." He corrects. "Plus, why us. You've captured so many from the Maze. I thought we were all supposed to be the smartest." I point out. "Well, we've been monitoring you through the chips we've installed in the backs of your necks." Ava says. Teresa, Sonya and I all reach for the backs of our necks. "Oh don't you worry, Teresa. We removed your's when we gave you your memory. The grid that's on your neck is the permanent scar you have received which is quite bothersome to look at but is a symbol of your loyalty to WCKD." Janson says to Teresa. I remember that we're being forced to work for WCKD.

"And why are we so important? Newt is so much smarter than me!" I reason. "Well your friend was very smart but not as athletic due to his... incident." Janson said, chuckling. I held back a punch since there were two guards behind us. "And what about me?" Sonya asks. "Why am I so important? You already have Teresa. She's much smarter than I am." She adds. "Well, Sonya, you were smart but your also athletic, like Minho. We would've taken Miyoko as well but she was far too athletic and not as smart as you." Janson said. "You shut your mouth!" I shout at him.

"Miyoko is equally as smart and as athletic as Sonya!" I add. Janson seemed intrigued by my remark. "Have you made a strong relationship with B5, Minho?" He asks me, amusement laced in his voice. I think about my answer fast trying to figure out what he would try to do. "No. I don't even know who she is. But if you're comparing someone for the sake of 'science'? I think it's a pile of shit. Everyone is equal." I say. If he knows that I... have certain feelings for Miyoko, he'll probably do everything in their power to find her and use her life, against me. "Interesting. Teresa has always thought of the greater good but you two only find the good for yourself and your friends." He responds.

"And if we refuse to work for WCKD?" Sonya asks, refocusing the topic. "You will be used in tests of excruciating pain. Tests we wouldn't do on the other because it could end in... casualties." He said. "Actually, you wouldn't be put in tests like that. You will join the others in their testing. To keep the deal Teresa and I agreed on." Ava corrected. She glared at Janson for a sec before looking back at us. I look over at Teresa and she nodded with a smile. "No one will get hurt but we will find a cure." Ava assured. "Now, we will let the both of you have 2 days to think it over. After two days, each one of you will answer for themselves and the answer they say will be official. No changing it." She added.

"While you're thinking it over, we will let both of you roam the city and building but, if you leave the walls of the city, well, never mind. You won't be able to. We have guards around each entrance." Jason explains. "You can buy things with the money we'll give each of you and there is a 24-hour buffet on the 3rd floor. We will provide you with clothes that we've had the best fashionable people working here, pick. Please, feel free to give things to you friends as they go through their tests. Know that you will not be able to see all of them as they each have different times to test but it will only take less than 3 hours. Visiting hours are 8:00am to 7:00 pm. And of course, we cannot let you roam the streets forever so you will be required to follow the city's curfew which is 9:00pm. We will give you these watches which can tell you the time and help us track you." They give us these watches that we both strap on pretty quickly. I'm handed a wallet with a brown-leather outside. I see Sonya is handed a small, black-leather purse. Studded gold beads lining the edges and a long, gold chain for the handle. "Run along now. It's currently 9:03am and you are free to do whatever." Ava says.

We make our way to the exit and start following Teresa. Our two escorts aren't following us so I hope we can talk privately. "I know you two are following me to find your friends. I'm not going where they are." She stopped suddenly and turned to look at us. "Turn here and at the next intersection, take a left. That elevator should take you to the 54th floor. We're on the 95th right now. If you two are planning to stick together, forever, I think you should start thinking about what life here could do for you." She says. She nods at us and continues to the hallway. We look at each other and speed towards the direction Teresa told us to go to. Pretty fast, we reach the elevator and press the 54th button and it starts taking us down.

"What do you think they're going through right now?" Sonya asks. "I have no idea but, what ever it is, it can't be good if they caught so many of us." I answer. The door opens and there is a sign presented in front of the elevator doors. We quickly get out of the elevator before the doors close and the sign says the "test operations" are to the right we quickly make our way there and see that it's key-card granted. I look in my wallet while Sonya looks through her purse. I see a key-card first but she grabs hers faster. I put away my wallet as she slide the keycard through and the thing flashes green. The door slides open and people are everywhere.

"We have to find Aris." Sonya says. We go to the guy at the front in a booth. "Is there anyone here named Aris?" Sonya asks him. "Do you know what Maze they are from?" The guys says. He obviously doesn't care. "Maze B." I answer. "Authentication?" He asks.

I pull out my keycard and Sonya shows hers. He types on his keyboard and finally, he looks up at us. "Your gonna go through that corridor take a right and go in the door named 'Cafeteria B45'. He should be at one of the tables there. I'd hurry with your visit. Only... 30 minutes left of their breakfast before they go into their 1st test of the day. Poor things only came in yesterday." The man chuckled. I ignored him and nodded at Sonya. We made our way to the cafeteria and tried to ignore the screaming from the rooms we were passing.

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