"Hello, Thomas" - Ch. 3

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(A/N) This chapter is just to show Newts feelings during these scenes. You can skip this chapter if you would like. Enjoy!


Newt's POV:

All of a sudden, Brenda crashes down to the floor and Jorge runs to her trying to spot what the bloody hell was wrong. "Brenda! Brenda." He shouts. Her lips were dark and she looked sick. Her breathing was very hoarse because she was gasping for air. "Something's wrong." Vince says under his his breath. He approaches the two to get a closer look. He couldn't be more correct!

The girl is a bloody mess on the ground! "Brenda! Brenda." Jorge calls out to her. Now, my eyes are darting everywhere. I was looking for the source of her fall, was she hurt in any way, anything that could justify what was going on! Finally, Brenda says to Jorge "I'm sorry." as if it were her fault she was like this. Her voice was raspy and short. Jorge is holding her in his arms to look at her.

"I'm sorry" She repeats. "What's going on with her?" Vince asks. "I don't know." He says. His head didn't even turn all the way to Vince to answer. He was more concerned about the well-being of Brenda than answering his question clearly. "Brenda, are you alright?" He asks her. His voice was lined with panic and confusion.

Vince sees something at her ankle and pulls down her bandage to uncover a huge bite mark. "Oh shoot." He backs up quickly and shouts, "Crank! We got a crank!". He point his gun at Brenda. Jorge shouts, "NO!" and points his finger at Vince but is dragged away by two men. I, myself step back. Thomas stops him from shoot and holds his hand out towards him.

"Wait! Wait!" Thomas pleads, running in front of Brenda to reason. Vince ignores his pleads and tells him to step back. "Listen! Listen." Thomas pleads again. As if that's going to help her. "Okay, look, it just happened! She's not dangerous yet!" He reasons. Vince shouts back, "Well, you shouldn't have brought her here!". "I know. I-I..." He stops, knowing saying anything else wouldn't do anything to change Vince's mind.

"We let cranks in here, came with us, we can't even last a week! Now step back!" Vince shouts to us. You could hear Jorge's voice say, "Let me go!". I look to where Sonya is and she is keeping her distance as well. "I know, I understand. Okay." Thomas says quieter. "I understand just listen, alright? Please, please, okay? I told her you could help, okay." He reasons. I stare at him as if he was crazier than the Cranks we saw in the city. "There's gotta be something you could do." He adds.

Vince's eyes flicker from Thomas to Brenda. It looked like he was thinking about it. "Yeah, there is." He paused. He cocks his gun and says, "I could put her out of her misery." Jorge tries to budge his way free of the two men. He shouts, "No! No!".

It looked like he was about to pull the trigger until someone interrupted him. "Vince! That's enough!" A woman's voice called. He looked back to see her, rushing towards the situation. She had brown hair that stopped at her shoulders and a long, beige jacket. "Let him go." She pointed at the two holding Jorge. "Let him go!" She repeated, more strict. They finally put down their arms and he dislodged himself from the two.

"She's infected, doc. There's nothing we can do for her." Vince tells her. She scans the group in front of her and stops at Thomas. "No, but he can." She says as a grin grows on her face. He shifts to look at her. Everyone is either staring at the lady or Thomas. "Hello, Thomas." She says calmly. Everything is just bloody confusing!

"What?" Vince breathes. Thomas takes a few breaths before asking her, "You know me?". Her mouth turns into a line and she nods. "Interesting..." she says. "Makes sense they'd put you in the Maze." She explains as she makes her way towards Brenda. Vince's eyes are glued to Thomas. "Though, I must admit, I was worried they'd kill you after what you did." She adds.

The doctor grabs Brenda's hand as she talks to Thomas. She puts her hand on top of Brenda's forehead while Jorge tries to read her face for any idea of what the situation was. "W-what I did?" he asks. She stops examining Brenda and looks up to Thomas. "The first time we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore. Watching your friends die one by one." she explains. I take my eyes off of the doctor and look up to Thomas. Now I know for sure, Thomas can help us fight WCKD if his beliefs were true.

Even though he worked for WCKD, he still chose the life of his friends over the chance of his life being taken away from him. "The last time we spoke, you gave me the coordinates to every WCKD compound, trial and lab." she continued. "He was our source." Vince added. That caught everyone's attention. The Safe Haven was his plan! I look at everyone but, I stop at Teresa. Her face wasn't surprised.

It almost looked like she knew. Like it was her secret that had been told to everyone. She looked at Thomas cautiously. That made me weary of her. I look back to Thomas and the doctor, trying to focus at the task at hand. "We couldn't have pulled this off without him." There was silence until she spoke again.

"Take her to the tent. And get these guys some warm clothes!" She instructed. "Careful." She added. Jorge helped the man carry her and moved cautiously towards the tent. She put her hand on Thomas's back and led him towards the tent as well. I was instructed to go to some of the spare tents they had. They told us "Mary", who I assume was the doctor, told them to give us some clothes, food and water. I kept a mental note to thank her later. I looked for Sonya and saw her walk towards what I assume is her tent.

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