Gifts All Around - Ch. 12

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Sonya's POV: I dash to our room as I look at the time. 2:54pm. Crap, less time than I thought. I'm speeding through the crowd with 3 bags on my arms and people starring at me. I finally reach the elevator and press the buttons as fast as I can. The doors start to close but an arm goes between them. They open and Minho is there with a bag, too. "Sonya?" He asks as he steps in and the door closes behind him.

"Hey." I say softly, trying to act like I didn't go behind his back, told Teresa I was going to work with WCKD, get a bunch of presents, and race back here.  "What are you doing here? And where'd you get all those bags?" He asks me. Just go with the plan! "It got boring there so I was gonna go look for you but, Teresa bumped into me and said these were for us and Aris, for what happened to the others." I acted. Teresa and I thought of a plan since I took so long and she would tell him the same thing, in case he got suspicious. "And you accepted them?" He asked. The elevator dings and we talk on the way to our room.

"What was she supposed to do, Minho. She couldn't have predicted Janson would kill them. I'm not saying I'm fine with her presence, I still hate her guts. But if I'm gonna be mad at anyone for killing our friends, it's not gonna be someone who had no control. It's Janson I'm furious at." I explain to him. We open the door and there's more things than when we left it. Drawers, paper, pens and pencils, it was like they were trying to make us at home. Did Teresa tell them? "Um, I guess they gave us more stuff to persuade us but they're pretty lame." I say to him. "No, there's boxes over there." He points to the small boxes in the corner that I missed.

We walked over to them and one had "The Leader" marked on it and the other "The Vixen". "Let's see what they got in store for us." Minho says already taking off the top of his box. "Woah! These are awesome!" He exclaims. A swiss army knife and a smaller, red box. He opens the red box and I look away since it's none of my business. I lift the top of my box and it's very different from Minho's. Most of the stuff are women's items that I could've lived without.

There's a silver necklace and the pendant is a kind of swerved line with diamonds on the front and back. The sides are hollowed out do the pendant can hang onto the metal string. The hollowed side has the word, "Always" left from the sides. I look back in the box and there's a weapon, folded in so it could fit in the box. I take it out and show it to Minho. "Hey! Why do you get cool stuff? We're not even staying!" Minho exclaimed. I try to keep my composure and not give away my little secret.

"They like me more, that's why. Haha!" I fake. He took the weapon from my hands and unfolded it. "It's a crossbow." He tells me. "But don't cross bows need arrows or darts? Are there any in the box?" Minho asks. I look back in the box and find a case that's probably the darts. I look over to make sure he's not looking so I can slip them into my pocket. He's occupied with the crossbow and how it works.

"Did you find any? He asks, not taking his eyes away from the crossbow. "No, there isn't! Can help me see if there's any hidden compartments?" I ask as I slip the box into my pocket. "Damn, need me to do all the work, huh?" He complains as he drops the crossbow and walks over to me. "You're full of yourself." I point out as I punched him playfully. We search the box and comes to the conclusion that there aren't any but he found a note on the bottom of the box. He hands me it and then does his own thing. "What's our plan? I mean, to escape. There's no way we can make a successful escape plan with just our small group. Not to mention, we have the chance to get all those kids." I ask him.

"Thomas and everyone will get us out, easy. But, I get what you're saying. If we can't get all those kids, WCKD could use more painful tests on them since a few of their 'cures' will have escaped." He answered. "Wait, wait, wait. You think they're still alive?!?" I ask him. "You do?" He asks sheepishly. "Of course not! WCKD lied about everything. They just want us to lower our guard." I answered. I told him the truth. I do think they're still alive just to lower our guard but none of that matters anymore if I'm staying and he has no escape plan. He's just hoping for one.

"Let's head down to the visiting center to see how Aris is doing." I blurt out. He nods and starts to put back his box and put his items where he wants them. I do the same. "You done yet?" Asks Minho only 5 minutes later. "If you can help find where I can hide my crossbow, things would go a lot faster!" I point out. "Just put it under your pillow." He answers. "Too obvious. WCKD will find it. Even if they gave this stuff to us, they might use it against us. Remember, this isn't a vacation. It's a chance to get the advantage." I say to him.

A few seconds pass before I find a place to hide it and then we rush out. "Minho, you know your subject name, 'The Leader'? Do you think of yourself as a leader?" I ask him. "I guess. The ones in charge are really Newt and Thomas but, I can hold down the fort." He explains. "What about you? What is a Vixen?" He asks me. "A female fox." I answer. "That doesn't make sense why they would call you a 'Vixen'." He says. "Well, since you aren't aware, foxes are described as deceiving, cunning, sneaky creatures who seem to do one thing but is actually doing the exact opposite. Some believe that their personality resembles somewhat of a vixen's." I explain.

"So that's why they named you a Vixen?" He asks. "I guess. Now, I just need to use it to my advantage." I explain. I wasn't lying. I was trying to hint my plan to him. "Just remember, Vixens may be doing the exact opposite of what you they're doing at the moment." Try to hint to him even further. But let's be honest, a simple minded boy with such a time limit to figure it out, he'll be out of here before he gets it. That's what worries me.

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