A Vixen's Secret - Ch. 13

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Minho's POV: We head over to the office from before and I'm guessing that it's because they're gonna make us choose now instead of tomorrow. They thought that they could persuade us to do something like betray our friends, anyone with common sense would stick with their friends. The doors in front of us open and low and behold the sons of guns that tortured us for 3 years and erased our memories! Plus the girl that betrayed us! "You must know why you were summoned here." Ava points out. "Yeah. No shit. Listen we're not accepting the damn offer. Just put us with the rest." I told them. "You will be speaking for yourself once the questioning has begun." Teresa adds.

Professional blow hard. "If you're so eager, why don't we start with you?" Janson offers. I nod my head knowing I won't be giving them the answers they want. "Are you willing to be apart of WCKD's ways and engage in the testing of the... hah 'people'." He chuckles with a snug look on his face. I'm about to throw one of my knives square in his face. "No way." I answer him with no regret. "You have already failed the test? Ohhh... why don't you stay for Sonya's?" Janson offers.

"Gladly." I accept his offer knowing it's going to be the same. "Sonya, will you be participating in WCKD's tests for the greater good and the rest of humanity?" Ava asks her. Of course she's gonna be nice about it. I glance at Sonya with a grin but I take another glance and it look like she's actually considering this. "Sonya?" I call out to her. She snaps out of her mind to make eye contact with me. From the looks of it, she's gonna accept it...

"You... you're not actually gonna do it, right? Sonya..." I'm at a loss of words because I-I thought she was on our side. Or, my side in this case. "I will participate." She breaks eye contact and responds with a slight crack in her voice. I can't trust anyone here, can I? "You can't be serious... I THOUGHT YOU WERE ON OUR TEAM! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU! YOU'RE JUST LIKE TERESA! YOU BOTH BETRAYED THE ONES YOU LOVED THE MOST! I CAN'T BELIEVE-" then, everything went dark when I started to fall.

Sonya's POV: A guard comes up from behind him and electrocutes Minho. "MINHO!" I yell out. I run to his aid but he's knocked out. I glare at them with as much anger as possible but they couldn't care less. Well, Janson couldn't care less. Ava and Teresa seem a little guilty. "He'll be fine. We just can't have a ruckus when we transfer him to the testing chambers." Janson explains.

"You have to stop hurting them if I'm going to work with you! You promised us our safety but if you can't provide that, the deal's off." I tell them sternly. "I'll make sure no casualties will occur during the tests." Ava defends. "Thank you for agreeing to cooperate, Sonya." Teresa thanks me as the guard take Minho away. "What are they gonna do to him?" I ask her as we walk down the corridor, to her lab. "Standardized tests like blood samples, heart monitoring, and things like that to make sure he's healthy and what can go on inside of his head." She answers. "I can already guess what the serum is made out of." I tell her. "Sadly, yes. It's made out of the blood of immunes. My job with you for the next two weeks is to help you learn how to make it. We'll be monitoring the girl you saw earlier together and testing the blood samples we get from the immunes. We are both immune and if we're short few, they'll take our blood but not as much as they would with the subjec- people!" She corrects herself.

"I appreciate that. I just hope my decision was right." I tell her. She consoles me with a hand on my back and we get into her lab. As she's showing me more things around the lab, I'm praying that Minho finds the note that I stuffed in his pocket before they took him away. "Will I get to see him again?" I ask her worriedly. "I get that you're worried but no need. You and I will be the ones testing him. To make sure that nothing bad happens. Ava and I made sure of it." Teresa explains. That's so much worse. I betrayed him and so did Teresa.

"Will I get my memories back? Like you did?" I ask her trying to distract my mind. "Yes. Your memories from before the Maze will return to you and depending on what you want, we'll change what you want to be called and more things like that. They gave us fake names in the first place because they thought it would cause memory reconstruction." She explains. "What's my real name?" I ask her curiously. "You'll know that when yo-" "I want to know now please." I ask, harsher. "Your name is Elizabeth. Lizzy for short." She smiles. "That's all I need to know then. I don't need my memories back. I'd like to be called Lizzy from now on." I explain to her. "Are you sure?! There are things you might need to know!" She's frantic and I know why.

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