Meeting Him - Ch. 1

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(A/N) - I'm writing this in multiple points of views and changing a few things like the events of things and lines. Please enjoy!

Sonya's POV:

Harriet cocks her gun at the two mysterious men and Harriet says to them, "Drop it." They don't do what she says. One of the men turn and look at us. "Now!" She demands. The boy on the right quickly puts the bomb down. Then, I cock my gun. "I said drop it!" She tells the older man.

He closes the lid and puts it down on the ground, making it safe for us to capture them. "On your feet!" She tells them while pointing the gun in the direction she wants them to go. "Let's go." Harriet adds. I decide to keep quiet since Harriet looks more intimidating. They both stand up slowly and breathe very short and quick breaths. "Let's go!" She repeats louder and more stern. Their hands are up and she shouts at them to move.

"Back up! she commands. "Listen, ..." the old man's voice is scruffy and low. Harriet ignores him. "You two over here now!" She says. I can't see the other person but, one is an asian man with dirty clothes. The other is a boy I can assume. He's wearing a leather jacket.

I see another group. 2 girls and a boy. He seems familiar. "C'mon! Let's go! On your feet!" I shout at them while Harriet shouts to the other two, "Don't be stupid, move!" The girl in the group that I saw is wearing a torn jacket. She has long black hair and beautiful blue eyes. She doesn't seem like she's from here.

"Slowly!" I tell them. The other girl has black hair only covering her head. She's wearing a red torn shirt with a white tank top under. A beige jacket covers her arms. The boy is taller than both of them. He is only wearing a jacket and- oh my god. Harriet sees him too.

She looks at him for a few second before saying, "Aris?" It has to be him. Still, we don't stand down until he answers. They all turn to look at him. Harriet takes off her mask to jog his memory even the slightest. At that moment, he says, "Oh my god, Harriet!" He steps forward and Harriet slings the gun over her shoulder while walking over to him.

She gives him a big hug and asks him, "What the hell are you doing here?!?" I take off my mask and I can't believe it. I look at them in awe. He looks over to me, "Sonya". I hug him before he can say another word. "Aris, you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumbass!" I tell him. I ask him if he's alright but someone asks us a question, "Uh, what's happening?"

It's the asian man. His voice is lined with a lot of confusion. Aris answers, "We were in the maze together!" A lot of them are looking around to see if the others were just as confused as they were. "Uh, Sonya..." Harriet says. "Yeah? Is there another problem?" I ask her. " It's him." She tells me as she cocks her head to a blonde boy.

My eyes widen at the sight of him. "Did you tell him?" I asked Aris. He shook his head. I look at Harriet and she shakes her head telling me Wait for me to signal the others. I'm actually standing in front of him. Harriet whistles loudly toward the mountains. "We're clear, guys! Come on out!" She shouts.

Everyone drops their hands with relief. Our shooters start popping out of their hiding places and I walk over to the blonde boy. The asian guy eyes me as I stop in front of his friend. "Can I help you?" The blonde boy asked. His voice has a thick accent to it. I have to ask him. "Who are you?" I question.

He looks to the asian boy with a confused face. He looks back to me and answers, "My name's Newt. Why are you looking at me like I'm a bloody crank?" He asks. I can't help the urge to hug him. He's startled and doesn't hug back. I realize what I'm doing might freak him out so I let go and clear my throat. "You know her?" The asian man asks Newt. He shakes his head no.

"He doesn't but, I was sent up in the box with something that might confuse him." I tell both of them."Why'd you hug him then?" The asian man asks. He sounds very protective and stern when it comes to his friends I guess. "Ease up, Minho. She's a lady." He tells "Minho". "I am a girl but, that doesn't mean I can't handle a few harsh words, Newt." I tell him. "Let me get this out of the way. I'm..." I hesitate. "She's your sister." Harriet says from behind me.

He freezes at the statement. "It's true..." Aris adds. "How are we going to believe that!?!" Minho asks. I look down knowing this would happen. "She has evidence!" Aris says. "Yeah? Like what?" Minho says sarcastically. "I believe her." Newt says.

My head pops up. "Minho, think about it. Why in the world would they lie to us? They're friends with Aris and Aris says she has proof. If they don't have the proof then I won't believe her. For now, let's hear her out." He explains. He looks over to me."I believe you, Sonya." He tells me. A rush of relief flows through my body. I hug him again. "Thank you! You don't know how long I've been looking for you!" I tell him.

I let go and he asks me, "I'm assuming I'm older since I am taller than you." He chuckles at the fact. "Yes, you are." I answer. Minho puts out his hand and says, "If Newt trusts you, that's good enough for me." I shake his hand and nod. "Now that we have that out of the way, let's get everyone situated." Harriet says as she puts a hand on my shoulder. "Lead the way, Sonya." She tells me.

"Let's go everyone!" I shout back at them. I can't help but have smile on my face knowing I found Aris and my older brother. Whatever it takes, Newt and I will not be separated now that we are going to the Safe Haven.

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