Go, Newt! GO NOW! - Ch. 6

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Newt's POV: I knew Teresa was a traitor. Ever since that look towards Thomas, she's not been who I thought she was. "More blood." A voice says from behind me. Mary pulls her arm from the guard's grasp and reveals herself to the lady. "Hello, Mary." The lady greets. "I'd hope we'd meet again. I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances." The lady apologizes. "I'm sorry about a lot of things too." Mary says.

"But not this... At least my conscience is clear." she adds. There was a long pause before the lady said, "So is mine.". What did she mean by that? All of a sudden, a gun goes off and we all are bloody startled. I look at all of us and we're not bleeding but then, I look over to Mary. Her shirt is quickly being consumed by the blood and falls to the ground. "Mary, Mary, Mary!" Vince calls out repeatedly.

"Get off me." He says as he lunges out towards her falling body. He holds her in his arms and calls out to her but to no avail. We look for the source of the gun shot and I see Janson put a gun down. Vince takes his eyes off of Mary and looks towards Janson, screaming, "NO!!". "C'mon Janson." The lady says quietly. "Load them up. Let's go. All these people, get rid of them! Let's go. LET'S GO!" She adds, getting louder as she goes on. Sonya is taken from my side, along with Aris and are about to get loaded on when Thomas shoves his guard off of him and pulls out a bloody bomb from his jacket.

The same one Jorge gave him. "Get back! Get back! Everyone, stand back!" Thomas repeats as Janson runs towards the situation. All the guards go away from all of us and stay away so they don't get blown up. "Hold your fire!" Janson reiterates. "Stay back. Let em' go!" He orders. "Thomas, put it down." Janson says, avoiding the command. "LET EM' ALL GO!" He echoes.

"You know I can't do that!" The woman answers. "Thomas, please stop. I made a deal with them. They promised, they promised we would be safe! All of us." Teresa says. "I'm supposed to trust you now?" He asked. "You already tricked us once, you can't trick us again, Teresa!" I shout. "It's true! It was her only condition." The lady assured. "Shut up!" Thomas ignored. "Everything can go back to the way it was." She said.

"Lies! You're all liars!" Sonya shouts back. The lady ignores her and goes back to Thomas. "Thomas, do you really want all of them to die?" She asked.

Sonya's POV: He glances back at all of us and I know he's fighting a battle inside his mind. "Listen to her, Thomas. Think about what your doing." The man reasons. I notice Minho walk towards him, then Frypan. So, me and Newt walk over to him too. Along with the others. I can tell by the woman's reaction that she is surprised that we're actually risking our lives. "We're with you, Thomas." Newt says.

"All the way." I add. I could hear Teresa say, "No...", under her breath. If she didn't want us to die, she wouldn't have made this decision. "Don't..." The lady pleaded. "Do it, Thomas. We're ready." Minho assures. "We're not going back there." Thomas said. We'd all rather die than become their test subjects again.

"Thomas..." The woman called out. "It's the only way." He said before tightening his grip on the remote. I close my eyes waiting for Thomas to push the button when I heard the lady scream his name one last time. When I thought the bomb was going to go off, horns blared. We all look to the source of the horns and watch as a car drives by and knocks a helicopter down, sending parts of it flying hitting some guards. People start making a run for it and guards trying to chase them down. A guard points his gun at us and shouts, "Drop it, kid!".

Thomas looks at the bomb before throwing it towards the guy and waving at us to run and take cover from the bomb. We make a run for it as we try and find out where to go. I stay with Newt but I couldn't see Aris, Minho, or Frypan anywhere. We make a run towards the car and hope we could meet the others there. I see a guard spot us and points his gun at me. Newt grabs my head and pushes me towards the car. I see everyone making it and I grab the gun on the floor.

I pick it up and stand by Minho as everyone runs past us. "What are you waiting for, Sonya? Get out of here!" Minho shouts at me. "Sonya! Minho!" Newt shouts. I look back and see him taking cover behind some barrels along with the others. I remind myself to look for guards that might be targeting us. As I look back, I see a gun being pointed at me but he gets knocked out of the way. It's Miyoko.

"Miyoko!" Minho and I shout. I look at him confused then look back at Miyoko running towards us. Minho and I cover her as reaches us. I reach into my pocket and give her a piece of paper and nod at her. "Sonya..." She says, looking at me. "Give it to him. I want him to have it." I say to her. She nods and makes a run for it.

I refocus and see that I'm out of ammo so I try and reload but, I get shot. I can feel my body convulsing with electricity as I drop to the ground. I see Minho was also shot and falls on top of a barrel. Our names are being called but I don't see anything. Before I let myself get dragged off, with all of my strength, I scream, "Go, Newt! GO NOW!" and I as I look at them one last time, I see Newt, Thomas and Miyoko being held back by Jorge, Brenda, Vince and Harriet.

Newt's POV: And just like that, she was being dragged against her will. I try and run towards her but Vince holds me back. We watch as Teresa and that lady look at us and the Berg door shuts. "DAMN IT!" I yell. I fall and punch the ground and I see Thomas drop to the floor, just staring as the berg flies off. Miyoko gives kneels next to me and gives me a sorrowful look. Then, she hands me a folded piece of paper and says, "She said to give it to you.". I open it up and start to sob.

It's the picture.

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